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Getting up from the sofa,I dragged myself lazily to my computer all the while sipping my coffee. "Come look at this. You want some? " I beckoned him over. Joey just shook his head in response to my invitation to the coffee party.
I opened the video and sat there with a look of stoic resignation as I  stared at the screen. With the video halfway through, Joey suggested we informed the police. "Wait for it" was the only statement I made. After watching the video, the room was silent for a few minutes.
"Damn...this is BS." Joey breathed. "We gotta get the bad guys." Joey said in a deep raspy voice posing as a superhero. He stared at me and our eyes met. Suddenly we both burst into guffaws. "Man that was a good one." I remarked all the while laughing. He curtsied severally looking all serious like he was in front of an actual crowd. This only made it even more hilarious. I threw back my head and laughed like crazy. For a brief moment there we'd forgotten all about the issue at hand. We regained our composure several minutes later.
"Joey I'm thinking of just sending them the money." "Yeah man, at this rate you ain't got no other option." he agreed. Later that night, as I sipped my orange juice I was lost in thought...

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