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"Simeon is a big time drug dealer who is feared by all in these parts. Due to the nature of his business, he barely stays at a particular location for that long. He's always on the move. Last I heard he had this really hot Latino babe in his custody with whom he plans on fleeing to Mexico."
He finished his story. Upon hearing of Shantel I kept clenching and unclenching my fists. "Where is he now?" I queried trying my best to maintain my composure. Sighing, he took a long sip from his glass of beer. "He's got this really huge warehouse down Saudetille avenue. That's where he mostly hangs out." "When are the exact times he hangs out there?" Joey asked.
Santino raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious. I dropped another 100 dollar bill on the counter. His eyes lit up once more clearly intrigued once more. "It's always party time when it comes to Simeon. He really loves to party. Normally, he is available at 7pm on Mondays, 9pm on Tuesdays and 10pm on any other day." He responded. "That  was really insightful. Thanks a lot man." I patted him on the back and we made our way out of the pub.
Boy was I glad to breathe in fresh once more. "I nearly suffocated back in there bro." I told Joey. He chuckled a bit and asked, "so what's the plan?" "We'll have to go back home and regroup." I replied...

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