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Making my way out of the gym with Joey in tow, we discussed exactly how we were going to get the money back. Oh yeah, the girl too. I spent lesser time in the shower than I usually did.
I was behind my computer in a few minutes and was already tracing the number online. I was really determined to track down the brains behind the operation. Before long I'd come down with a list of names all with similar numbers. "Check these out." I beckoned Joey over. He kept munching on some potato chips he'd found in my refrigerator. I fought the urge to go find myself one of those. "Okay so far, I've come up with this list and it's really taking a toll on me." I told him. "Don't stress yourself out that much bro. If it helps, let me take over." He volunteered.
Grunting, I voiced out how we'd come to another dead end. Joey picked up the envelope and casually fished out the note. But something caught his attention. Because seated right in the envelope was a piece of writing we'd both missed earlier on. Till date, we both have no idea how that piece of writing found it's way into the envelope. It helped a great deal though. It contained a particular address which Joey and I decided to check out...

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