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As the drops of water made contact with my skin, they slowly snaked their way down my body since friction was quite negligible for them to stay that long on my skin. They made sure to bite my skin with their cold fangs before dropping which gave me the chills. I closed my eyes and reminisced my younger days. When everything had seemed so simple. I thought back to the time I used to ran into momma 's arms to seek comfort when everything seemed out of place. I  remembered the good times I had spent with Daddy. I  could still recall his laughter like it was yesterday. Thinking back, there came a time I picked a fight  with the hood bully,Jimmy. I smiled as I recalled how badly the guy beat me up. Momma had nursed my badly swollen face all the while scolding me for being so reckless. Trust Momma to be strict and sweet at the same time. Jimmy got off the hook since it was my fault but I heard later on how his Dad had given him the beating.
He was at the moment pursuing engineering in a private college his parents had enrolled him. We got in touch from time to time. The funny part is if you took a good look at Jimmy and I today, you'd probably think I had been the bully. That's because I'm much taller than he is and have really worked on myself. You could say I've got more of an athletic build. Jimmy on the hand, well.. not so much. He's nothing short of handsome but he's stout, heavily set and has got these really bulging eyes...

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