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"Okay guys, wrap it up. Gather around, I've got a bug announcement to make." Coach McCalvin instructed. We were all drenching in sweat as we gathered in front of him.
"We've finished yet another season and we came out on top!" This remark he made was met with cheers and high-fives. "Settle down, settle down...I must say, you guys were superb. This is by far the best team I've ever coached. So it saddens me to break it to you that I'm retiring." Coach McCalvin continued.
Confusion was written on most of the boys' faces and there were murmurs all over. 'Why are you retiring Coach?'  Jimmy asked. "Well Jimmy, you usually come to a point in life when you need to move on. You never know what opportunities might await you elsewhere." The boys sighed. "So when do you leave Coach?"
"Well after today you boys will not be seeing anymore of me." Coach replied as he smiled at me. "Oh I'm sure we'll be seeing you at your retirement ceremony." I remarked. A few of the boys chuckled.
"Mmm perhaps." He replied.
So we all said our farewells and departed. "Wells, how do you wanna play this?" Joey inquired casually as he relaxed in a sofa at my place. I made a face which suggested I was deep in thought for a moment. Straightening up in my seat, I said; "okay so I've been working on this plan for quite some time now." Joey was attentive. "So first..." with that I laid out my plan to Joey. " Man... that's air-tight." He remarked grinning all the while.
Finally, our coach's retirement ceremony came up. It was quite the emotional spectacle and being the team captain, I had to deliver a speech. All in all, ceremony came to it's natural ending.
"Please, please don't kill me. I've got something really important I need to tell you. Shantel's kidnapper begged. "Now what exactly do you think you could say to convince me from putting a bullet in your head?" I inquired casually.
Yeah...at this point I'm sure there's confusion written all over your face. The questions racing through your mind may include; "how exactly did he get to the climax?, what does the kidnapper have to say that could be so important? and more importantly, does Wells really pull the trigger?"
Well to answer your questions, I'll have to take you back a week earlier, which was right after my coach's retirement ceremony...

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