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"They paid me to do it, you know? I-I was really reluctant at first. But-but you see, the amount they offered was just too much. Please, please just don't hurt me." Santino kept rambling on. "Who's they?" Joey asked. "Oh God, they'll kill me if they ever find out I told you. I-I have a family, I even have a little daughter." He kept on.
"Santino, lemme make this simple for you. We are going to kill you if you don't tell us what we want to know. I said. "Alright fine. I was in the pub one evening when these twin brothers showed up. They came straight to me and offered me a deal. The deal was that I was supposed to memorize a script which I would later on narrate word for word for you guys when you showed up." He said.
Once I heard the twins I knew exactly who he was referring to. He continued; "along with the script came a hundred million dollars which was supposed to be my compensation. I found this deal too good to be true, so I was a bit reluctant at first. But then they just handed me half of the money and told me they would be back the following day to make sure I had memorized it all before they handed me the rest of the money. They warned me not to try anything stupid and that they knew everything about my family. They even showed me a picture of my little girl. So I got scared and made sure to memorize everything. The twins showed up the next day and I was able to impress them. So they handed me the rest of the money. They informed me that you two will be coming to the pub real soon and that I was to narrate what I had memorized to you. And that's all I did. I swear!!"
Santino was done with his narration. "How would you describe these twins?" I asked. His description matched Shantel's. "Where can we find them?" Joey queried. "I don't-- I don't know." Santino cried out. All they did was give me the money and walk away." " Don't play games with us Santino." I threatened. "Okay, okay I think I might have something. He said. He fished out his phone from his back pocket and showed us a picture of the twins entering a black SUV truck after exiting the pub. We could at least see the number plate so that gave us something to work with. "You've been of great help Santino. Now get the hell outta here before we change our minds about messing you up." Joey voiced out calmly.
Santino didn't need to hear this twice because he had already sped off in his car.

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