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I chuckled a bit and swam further away from her. "Yo Joey, you coming in or what?" Joey was at the other side busily flirting with Martha as he helped her undress. "In a minute bro." He called back. Turns out he was having a hard time taking off Martha's dress and was sweating quite profusely. I couldn't help it but to laugh at the comical sight of that and directed my attention back at Cherry. She had changed into her bikini and all her curves were exposed. Her nipples stood firm in her transparent bra and try as I did, I could not take my eyes off of them. When she noticed I was staring, she gave me a light smile and turned around pretending to check on her phone. I got a clear view of her backside and was really impressed. Next she gingerly dipped both feet into the pool. Before I knew it, she was swimming towards me. Upon getting closer till we were just lips apart with her soft body pressing against mine and our eyes locked, she said hi. I replied with a hey. The distance between our lips kept decreasing till -- Splash!! Splash!! Joey and Martha had decided to join us interrupting our moment. "Whoo!! Yo Sam, I bet you can't beat me to the end of the pool." Joey challenged. I stared at Cherry and smiled. She smiled back. "Oh yeah? Challenge accepted. Ladies, give us a minute, okay?" I said playfully. We both took our stances at the start line with Martha as the referee and Cherry as the side line referee, we took off.
It looked from afar like a long swim to the finish line. But with our long figures and years of practice, we finished in no time. I got to the finish line with Joey closely behind. "You got lucky back there bro." Joey teased and I smiled. We swam back to the girls who were whooping and cheering. I turned my attention back to Cherry...

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