we all go a little mad sometimes

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RIVER stood before Jeremy's dead body, the boy resting lifelessly on the couch, Elena pacing in front of him as Damon stood by his side.

"I can't believe this happened" Elena worried "What am I going to say to him?"

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" River smirked, Elena glaring at him.

"You should have called Stefan" Damon stated.

"I don't want to talk to him" Elena shook her head "He's been lying to me and hiding things from me, he compelled Jeremy to forget God knows what"

"In all fairness, I mean, I think you killing him kinda trumps that" River grinned.

"And you should have called Stefan" Damon added.

"I don't trust him right now, Damon" Elena sighed exasperatedly.

The front door opened, Stefan strolling into the house, each of them turning to him.

"Hey" Stefan greeted.

"PS, I called Stefan" Damon said as Elena turned to him.

"What happened?" Stefan asked "Why did you call me?"

"I just...I need to go upstairs and shower" Elena stated "Clean all the blood off my hands"

Elena turned, exiting the room, moving upstairs as Jeremy gasped, coming back to life.

"Welcome back" Stefan said "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Jeremy asked.

"Long story, buy the e-book" River said.

Stefan turned, moving up the stairs after Elena.


Stefan moved back into the room, seeing River and Damon cleaning up the blood from the floor.

"Where did Jeremy go?" Stefan asked.

"School" Damon answered "Bonnie has him volunteering for some occult exhibit"

"Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house where his sister just jammed a knife in his neck" River suggested.

Stefan's phone began to ring, the vampire pulling it from his pocket.

"It's Klaus" Stefan sighed.

"Oooh, time to face the music" River grinned.

"Pay the piper, dance with the devil" Damon added.

" You know, I'm glad you find this amusing" Stefan argued "If he finds out I told you about the cure, he'll kill all of us"

"Quit avoiding him, that means shady" River rolled his eyes "Shady people get outed"

Each of the vampires listened in with their enhanced hearing as Stefan answered  the phone.

"I don't want to talk about it" Stefan began.

K I N G • KLAUS MIKAELSON [1]Where stories live. Discover now