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RIVER laid across Elena's bed, looking through the remaining untranslated viking drawings, Bonnie beside him as they watched Elena look through her closet.

"I hate everything in my closet" Elena whined "I have nothing to wear to Homecoming"

"So, don't go" River rolled his eyes.

Yeah, Riv's right" Bonnie agreed "Let's stay home order takeout and over analyse ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric"

"We have to go" Elena argued "Caroline will kill us"

"Caroline actually has a date..." River smirked.

There was a silent pause before Elena turned to the dark-skinned witch.

"You know that you can talk to me about Jeremy, right?" Elena checked.

I don't need to talk about it" Bonnie sighed "He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it, what's done is done"

"You have to talk about it, he hurt you, Bonnie" Elena replied "I am mad at him, too"

"You are mad at your little brother, you'll yell at him a little, teach him a life lesson" River argued "You can't really be mad like Bonnie is mad"

Elena glared at the olive-skinned boy.

"Bonnie-" Elena began.

"River's right, and you shouldn't have to be" Bonnie added "He's your brother, so no I can't really talk to you about it"

Elena was silenced by the witch's words, turning to glare slyly at the ex-witch beside her.


River dipped the paintbrush into the paint, lifting it out as he applied another layer of paint to the old VW bus.

"Hey, can you hand me the glitter gun?" Caroline asked, the boy passing her the gun "Thanks"

"Hey, can't we ditch the decorating and go grab a bite?" Tyler questioned.

"Oh, I have a thermos in my bag" Caroline spoke.

"I mean a real bite" Tyler sighed "Rebekah knows some people who like to be fed on, they're into it, we don't even have to compel them"

"Okay, first of all, I finally almost just got your mother to stop hating me- so I probably don't wanna get caught in some weird vampire threesome with her son" Caroline began, River snorting at the girl's words "And secondly, quit hanging out with Rebekah the evil blood slut"

"Care" River warned.

"Just keep the claws in tonight at the dance, okay? For me?" Tyler asked.

"So, who has the misfortune of being compelled to be her date?" Caroline wondered.

"Matt said he'd take her" River smirked.

"What?" Caroline questioned, turning to her boyfriend "You set her up with Matt?"

"She wants to go to the dance and he didn't have anyone to go with" Tyler explained himself "He drinks vervain, she can't feed on him, what's the big deal?"

K I N G • KLAUS MIKAELSON [1]Where stories live. Discover now