the sacrifice

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RIVER stood atop Elena's front porch, an apple in his hand as he slowly moved it between his hands. 

The door opened, Elena stood behind it looking as exhausted as usual.

"Hey" River greeted with a grin.

"Can we talk?" Stefan asked.

"Why?" Elena replied.

"We went to see Katherine" Damon answered.

River pointed at Damon.


The tan boy leaned against the side of the entrance to the tomb, Damon placing the door down a few feet away.

He watched as Katherine slowly moved towards the light, coming into view.

"Please, come in" Katherine invited "There's plenty of room for all of us"

"I'd rather poke my eyes out" River spoke, boredom in his tone.

"They're such pretty eyes"  Katherine teased.

"We're here for the moonstone" Stefan spoke.

"Feel like tossing it over?" Damon added.

"Tell you what, have River hocus pocus' me out of here, you can have whatever you want" Katherine negotiated.

"Thought you like it in here" River spoke "Nice and safe where Klaus can't get you"

"I've had time to reconsider" Katherine almost snarled.

"Meaning you're hungry" Damon rolled his eyes.

"I'm starving, Damon" Katherine stated "But above all, I'm bored"

Katherine came to a stop just before the entrance.

"At least running from Klaus wasn't boring" Katherine continued "So here's the deal, you get me out of here, you get the moonstone, and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever"

River exchanged a glance with the Salvatore brothers.

"Let me know what you decide" Katherine smirked moving back into the tomb.


River sat atop Elena's counter, the apple in his hand as he pulled a cigarette from the carton.

"You're not smoking in here" Elena warned.

"Chill out" River rolled his eyes, placing the cigarette behind his ear "It's for later"

River placed the carton back in his pocket as the conversation resumed.

"You don't believe her do you?" Elena asked.

"No, of course not" Damon defended.

"We just want the moonstone" River added.

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