the descent

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RIVER stood in the doorway to Damon's bedroom, Rose drinking down the blood that Damon had just handed her in an attempt to keep her strength as the werewolf bite slowly killed her.

"How is it?" Rose wondered.

Elena slowly came to a stop by River's side, watching Rose and Damon.

"Definitely better" Damon hesitated "Right, River? Elena?"

Rose turned to the pair.

"It's not that bad" River smiled "You'll heal"

"It's not bad" Elena repeated unconvincingly.

"Where's Stefan?" Damon wondered.

"He left" Elena replied "I need you to talk to him, he's convinced that he has to find Isobel but I think that's gonna upset Elijah"

"No can do" Damon replied.

"We're with Stefan on this one" River spoke.

"But if you could play nurse for a little while..." Damon trailed off.

"It's not necessary" Rose whined.

"It is necessary" Damon argued "Elena is a do-gooder, it's in her nature, she just can't resist"

"I'd stay but I have witchy business to attend to" River smirked.

Damon exited the room, Elena quickly following.

"Damon, is she gonna die?" Elena asked.

"Probably" Damon replied.

"The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse" River explained.

"Like poison?" Elena wondered.

"I don't know, Elena" Damon snapped "I'm not an expert in the field"

"I'm sorry" Elena comforted the vampire.

"Death happens" River spoke "We come, we go"

"River is right" Damon started "Sooner she dies, the better, it's gloomy as hell in here"

Damon turned, quickly leaving the conversation.


The olive-skinned boy watched as Damon stormed towards Jules, Stefan quickly moving towards him.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked.

"I'm waiting for you" Stefan replied "Listen, there's a lot of people here"

"Damn, there goes our plan to rip her spleen through her back" River sighed sarcastically.

"Listen, I know you're upset about Rose-" Stefan began.

"Why does everyone think that I'm upset about Rose? I'm fine!" Damon defended "I don't know if you know this, but sometimes, vampires die, I'm gonna have a friendly chat with lady wolf, brother, ease up"

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