Part 12 Satisfying night

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Wairu nodded, legs shaking slightly im anticipation as he walked up the stairs to his berthroom, opening the door. Ditrix lifting him up in one swift motion and gently pinning him to the berth by his servos. Sator closing the door before approaching them.

"You have quite the large berth for a single bot..." Ditrix purred as he gently nibbled on his neck cables

Wairu arched his back groaning. "Yes i.. i like to sprawl out.." he chuckled slightly.

Sator crawled up on the bed beside them kissing softly along his neck down to his chest over his sparkchamber. "Im quite sure you haven't been with two bots before hm?"

He shaked his helm biting his lower derma. He could feel his spike and valve twitch with impatience.

"We will take the lead on this one then if that is alright with you."

He nodded, groaning. Helm spinning in anticipation. A small pool of lubricant had begun to form under his aft and thighs.

Sator purred as he trailed down to his panel, poking at Ditrix side for him to move, and he scooted to the side still keeping a firm but gentle grip on Wairus servos. Trailing small kisses over his chassis as Sator got started stroking a digit over his panel.

"Is there anything you prefer or is using both your valve and spike fine?"

Wairus panel snapped open revealing both his dripping valve and erect spike with small beads of lubricant dribbling down.

Sator smirked "I guess that answers my question well enough.."

Ditrix bit on Wairus audio fins gently then trapped him in a deep kiss.

Wairu moaned into the kiss arching his back, valve clenching on nothing and spike twitching. Sator gently grabbed his spike and started stroking it in a slow pace.

His helm comming down to Wairu's valve and started licking slowly before he pressed his entire mouth against his node, licking slowly, gently rubbing two digits inside of his valve slowly and carefully spreading him.

Ditrix bit his lower lip as Wairus frame shook with overload, letting out a long soft moan, Sator lapping at the small amount of fluid gushing from his valve.

"You where right, havent had a good frag in quite some time hm?" Sator chuckled softly.

Moving his mouth away from his valve he shifted his attention to his spike, slowly closing his lips around the tip and slowly started sucking, bobbing his helm.

Wairu moaned loudly hips twitching trying to controll himself and staying put."Oh Priiimus.."

The mechs glanced at each other for a moment, their optics sparkling with glee.

~"If he only knew~..."~

Ditrix nuzzled the side of his helm as he planted soft kisses along his neck "He is quite talented hm?"

"Primus yes.." Wairu groaned, his legs and spike twitching before he came again. Sator recognizing the signs had already pulled away letting it come against his chest and the bed.

Ditrix whisperd into his audio "Wonder how manny overloads we could pull out of you~?."

Wairu moaned arching his hips in any attempt at stimulation "Ngh! Please..." he groaned softly. "I- ugh... Please frag me already.."

Sator crawled up to lay on his chest. "I think we should oblige him, i think he is going to fall asleep if we drag more overloads out of him."

Ditrix nodded "I think you are right, we have more time to tease him another day."

They both opend their panels looking at one another, Sator shifting in his position slightly.

"I think it easier if i take his spike, im not as heavy as you."

Ditrix nodded letting go of Wairus servos and moved to a sitting position behind Sator.

Sator kissed him deeply before looking into his optics. "We will get into position and we will let you set the pace alright?, let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time hm?"

Wairu nodded. Ditrix slowly moved his spike into his valve, Sator looking for any signs of him being uncomfortable in any way.

He just got a long stretched out moan and he smiled slightly as he slowly lowerd himself down over his spike groaning softly at the stretch.

Wairu grabbed a hold of Sators chest plate pulling him close trying to thrust into his valve. A moan escaping him as his legs shook slightly.

Ditrix set a slow pace in the start,Sator as well, soon hearing Wairu growl and meet their thrusts finding their pace.

They both quickend the pace, Ditrix holding onto Wairus hips with one servo for better leverage, his other servo draped over Sators leg and stroking at Wairus node as he thrusted, dragging another pleasure filled moan out of him. Sator groaned as he stroked his own node quickly trying to reach his own climax.

Wairu pulled Sator impossibly closer as he trapped him in a hungry kiss. Rutting against them before overloading with a shudder and a loud moan against Sators dermas, pulling them both with him in a shared overload.

They all slumped together in a heap on the bed panting. Ditrix moving first and pulling out laying down to Wairus left, Sator moved second pulling away as well,falling on the other side.

Ditrix huffed "Definitely the best frag in a long time.."

Wairu groaned with a content smile on his dermas "Best frag in... ever, best overload ever." Closing his optics his engine purred with content.

Sator looked up at him with a chuckle "Really?, i would just classify that as a quick frag." He puffed his chest out "That was hardly an ultimate overload, a good one definitly but we can do way better."

Wairu looked at him with wide blinking optics. "Even more intense than that?"

Sator and Ditrix looked at eachother. "Im guessing your mate before wasnt really that focused on your pleasure?, or experienced?"

He sighed looking up at the celing getting more and more exhuasted, the interface having drained the last of his energy. "No, not really, we fragged thats it. I didn't come often when he spiked me, so valve wasnt really my preference... untill now.. "

Ditrix hummed "Did either of you think of doing this while interfacing?" He gently dragged a digt over his node in circles a few times before stopping.

Wairu groaned hips twitching his node now extremely sensetive "N-No.."

Sator kissed his cheek laying his helm down. Mumbling slightly as he spoke. "Then that is why you barely every came, hardly anyone ever come from penetration alone. Its not realy well known as well, wich is kind of odd?. But interface was looked down upon back then so i can't blame anybot for not passing on the most important teachings~."

Wairu yawned nodding "That is good to know... we didn't really interface much anyways. Partly becuase..that.. but we didnt realy fit as well, interface wise." His vents slowed down. "He was more of a one use bot, he just preffered his spike."

Ditrix yawned as well nuzzling up closer beside him "Mm If you want to we will show you an entirely different side of interfacing and how much more pleasurable it can be~"

Wairu started to doze off "Mm.. Sounds good to me.."

Sator watched them slowly drift off, a gentle smile on his faceplate as he gently dried off the lubricant on their frames. Tiredly suggling up against them once he where done.

A few minutes later they where all laying curled up together deep in recharge, too tired to buff off the paint transfers.

For Wairu it was one of the most peacefull recharges in a long time.

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