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After a month Wairu had contacted Primus and Unicron. Only sending cordinates, a time and short text reading 'Meet me there.'

When Primus had seen the firs text he had almost fallen down the stairs, having to contain his exitement to see Wairu again. Even if it might end with him deciding to never see them again. But he tried to stay positive.

Unicron made sure to be at Primus side immediately as they had gotten the text, getting ready to depart.

It had been that same cliff top they had their first date.

Wairu stood looking out over the setting sun, he thought his spark would be pounding erratically at the constant reminder that today would be the day he was going to tell them. But he was oddly calm about the entire ordeal.

Letting out a soft sigh he turned around to see if Primus and Unicron were approaching. Almost colliding with them as he turned around, taking a step back in surprise at having almost walked into them. How did they get there so quietly and quick without him noticing?.

"Oh.. Hi, when did you get here?, you could have told me you were here."

Unicron shrugged with a roll of his shoulders. "Not so long, just a few seconds at least."

Primus hadnt taken his optics off wairu from when they had arrived. He had looked truly stunning where he stood, the sky behind him a beautiful blue and pink. Having to snap himself back to reality before he spoke softly.

"We take it that you have made a decision regarding our future?"

His nodd was slow, servos grasped together behind his back. He starred into the ground as he shifted his pedes around.

"Yes i have come to a decision..."

Both Unicron and Primus remained straight faced, not wanting to sway his decision, it was only his to make after all and affecting that in any way would make them feel horrible.


"I spoke with Alpha trion before about how our life will look etc, words that i wouldn't be able to say and things i wont be able to remember.."

Primus was almost jumping on the spot, eager to hear his choice, his spark pounding.

"And i have decided that it don't want to continue to date you." He looked up at the two.

Both of them looked just like before, straight faced, their helms turning up and down in a unsyncroniced nodd. On the outside they didnt seem as uppset like they had before when he had stormed off.

Unicron was the first to speak.

"We will accept that choice fully, i take it you have already spoken with alpha trion regarding your memories of us?"

As Wairu listend to him speak he noticed his voice didn't waiver, he took that as a good sign that he wasn't devastated. But on the other hand he didn't care of the gods was devastated anyway, this was his decision and no tears or pleads from the two would make him change his mind.

"We talked it over and im keeping my memories of you, alterd of course with different looks. I dont want to forget the good times we had... because they werent bad."

Primus nodded "We wont ever forget you or the time we had, and regardless of the fact that we wont ever see you again we will cherish the time we had with you as well. You truly made two old gods remember what love is and we thank you for that."

Wairus servos shifted from behinde his back to grasp his servos together in front of him, also nodding.


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