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The ground beneath everyone shook. The entire planet seemed to be trembling. Metallic plates shifted back and fourth, the vibbrations increasing rapidly.

Wairu looked out over the surrounding stores and bots that looked equally as stunned and confused. Brigs gently grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. Seemed like their next date wouldnt be as peaceful as the first.

"What the frag... is cybertron collapsing?"

"Dunno' but its happening all over the planet..."

He brought up the news that was currently broadcasting the tremors as a planet wide occurrence.

All of a sudden a plate broke off and bent into a distorted shape. Like someone was trying to burst out from the planet itself.

Bots started screaming and running. But Wairu, Brigs and a few others remained locked in place. They saw a swarm of priests approaching from afar, haltering the running bots.

Whatever they said made them stop, and a moment after a multitude of groundbridges opened up. Bots swarmed inside and disappeared quickly, the preists urging bots into it fast.

Now it was Wairu and Brigs time to escape their state of shock and run. Sticking around to see what was going on did not seem like a great idea regarding the huge hole in the planet. And the groundbridges the preists had opened up seemed to be the absolute best option for the moment.

They didn't even get close before the ground by the portals collapsed. Sending bots and preists tumbling into the planet.

Everyone who had the luck to stand further away started helping out those who had fallen and the wounded.

Wairu stood gasping at the scene. "Holy fragging Primus what is going on?!"

Further away another blast rocked the ground and sent metall shrapnel flying. But this time something emerged from the hole. Two larger bots fighting each other mid air.

They threw punches that made the air vibrate. Sparks flying several meters across the sky as they clashed. Wairu pulled up the newsfeed again, these seemes like some old arena bots. The news must have gotten this new information and could come with en explanation.

He found a small report and read it outloud for the bots around and Brig.

"Several reports about platonic quakes from inside of cybertron with blast holes from the core has emerged in crystal city, but why?. Crystal city has been hit the hardest and just a few moments ago a multitude of bots got hit from underneath. We are currently observing two unidentified bots clashing in the air. We are still awaiting news on any casualties and confirmation on who theise bots are."

Everyone stood as if frozen. There was nothing they could really do. Helping out the ones that had fallen would only make a bigger target, and there was enough bots around there to help already.

The ground trembled once more as they saw one of the bots get a good hit in, sending the other to crash into the ground.

Energon pumping Wairu couldn't help himself. He pulled Brig along gently as he started walking, then running. "Come lets go closer.."

Brig was still confused, but followed along without protest. A few other bots following after them as well. They stood behind a building right by the edge of the open landscape. The one who had slammed the other into the ground was slowly floating down.

The other bot miraculously getting up. They were banged up pretty bad, but seemed to function fine regardless. Energon was dripping from a multitude of big and small wounds. Its armor overall golden, with white accents.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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