Part 22 Alone time

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Waking up from another good day was amazing. The events from yesterday flooding over him plasantly as the sun shone through the cracks in the blinder. He felt a weight over his side, shifting to look beside him he saw Sators restfull faceplate, his entire faceplate relaxed and way less tense than the night the had first recharged together, dermas slightly parted he could feel his slow vents against his neck. he saw the light grace his cheek and he smiled softly, he looked beatuif. He stretched before heading up carefully, not wanting to wake him up.

Skipping down the stairs and heading to the energon dispenser, getting his daily cube he plopped down on the sofa, turning on the Tv. Watching the news and his favourite tv show, a story about a group of space traveling scientists.

A few hours in he paused it as he got a notification from his work. Reading through the content he groaned. They where understaffed and had a high priority guest comming in, and there was none who could take care of him. He looked up to the berthroom, Sator was still recharging and he didnt have the spark to wake him up.

He sent his reply to his boss and got up, turning off the tv and going over to a nearby shelf to get an empty datapad. Writing a note to Sator. Setting it down so he would see it as soon as he cane down the stairs. He then quictly got out and headed to work.


A few days later In the middle of his worktime he got a massage from his friends asking him to meet up once he had finished work. He sent a confirmation right away and hurried up with his work with a happy smile on his dermas.

Skitting off as soon as he completed his last task for the day, he checked the directions, their regular cafe. Slowly opening the door he peeked inside for them, spotting them at one of their usual tables. Waving he skipped over and sat down. "Hey!"

They both looked at him "Oh hi Wairu"

He looked at their faces, they looked very neutral and where barely smiling at him.

His own expression slowly changing to only a slight smile "So.. Whatsup?, Where you two robbed of some sweets or what?" He laughed shortly.

The looked at one another. Dimwire speaking up. "Wairu there is something really important we want to talk to you about. Like super serious."

Wairu couldn't help but tilt his helm. What was so serious that they both wore the same saddend faceplate. "Alright What is it?"

They both looked all around the place, their drinks, treats, servos, anything other than Wairu.

This time it was Rundown who decided to spill the important news." We have reasons to belive Sator and Ditrix are... hiding their real identeties.."

"What makes you think that. You met them, and you told me at work they seemed very genuine and awesome." Wairu looked visably comfused. He thought they had dropped their susspicions about them ages ago.

"Well we kinda may have perhaps just looked at their background a bit closer... and when we came across a bunch of shady stuff we maaay just have hired a private detective to dissolve those barriers..."

"What? You stalked my partners?! Whats wrong with you. You said they where fine!?, A private detective too!?. Holy Primus why would you do that?!" Wairu grabbed his faceplate and slowly slid his servos down his face.

"Yeah we know but like you said just before they seemed too well so we made some digging and.. we were worried about you.." Dimwire tapped his fork around on his plate still avoiding looking at him.

" Wairu please listen, They are no data on them from anywhere, The only data there is made just a few days before the celebration and back to right at the end of the war. And the detective found alot of proof that there had been tampering." Rundown looked at him concerned.

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