Part 8 Bedrest

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Wildframe woke up in the morning curled up warm and comfortable. Optics slowly onlining scanning the room. Finding himself seeing little next to none of the room in his visuals he looked at the object blocking his sight.

Seeing gold armor shimering in the small string of light from the window in front of the berth, he recognized it as Primus. Oh so Primus had fallen asleep after all.

He smiled softly but then his helm started working and he looked at the position they where in. He was clinging to Primus armor like a sparkling, his arm around the gods chest , the other clinging to his armor, nuzzled up against his spark. Primus had his arm weightlessly draped over his waist and seemed to have pulled him impossibly closer, or was that his own doing?.

Primus was so comfortable... and warm to lay against. He carefully maneuverd his arm back as he did a full body stretch as he always did in the morning, but forgetting about the reason he was here.

He yelped as he stretched, emediately burrowing his helm up against Primus chest again. The wound burning and he bit his lip.

A gentle servo came to rest on his back again. Primus tired voice rumbling softly through the room. "Dont move too much you will rip open the weilding..."

He looked up at Primus whom had just slightly opend his optics, looking very tired.

"Ah yes... i rememberd that... Sorry to wake you Sire."

Primus yawned letting go of him, sitting up and stretching a few struts. "Primus is sufficient here. No need for formalities." He had a gentle smile, his tired expression fading.

Wildframe remained curled up at the same spot as before as he looked up at the God. He never could have imagined being this close to the diety, let alone sharing a berth with him.
The sudden realization hitting him, cuddling Primus, and he went almost motionless, he hadn't even registered all that had hapend as he woke up, so intoxicated by the numbing drugs he had almost forgotten his own words last night.

Primus got up still a bit drowzy, getting a cube from a nearby table and walking back to sit down on the berth.

"Sit up."

Wilframe moved fast to sit up as told, but miscalculated how down for the count he really was and started tipping over. Not falling so far as Primus grabbed onto his arm pulling him back.

"Hey easy... slowly..." Primus pulled him back onto an uppwards position on the berth seeing as he was still very disoriented, trying to keep him grounded on the berth. He handed him the cube that Wildframe gently took with slightly shaky servos. Taking a few small sips he made a face as he felt the taste.

"This is disgusting... what is this?"

Primus chuckled smiling. "Usual energon but with a lower halt and alot of mixed in minerals.. it don't t taste good i know. But knowing that i got you something."

He opend his subspace pulling out a oblong see-through package. A roll inside it. "An iron ritch roll with rust sprinkling and sweet energon filling~"

Wilframe gaped slightly leaning to take the treat, only for Primus to pull it away last second.

"Only after i see you empty the entire cube. Im not even supposed to give this to you after all"

Wilframed huffed "Fine." He took and gulped down the entire cube in one go, making a face afterwards. Looking at Primus from over his shoulder, he just laughed and held out the treat.

"This has to last, i wont be giving you any more and there will be more of those cubes so i suggest you save some for later. And hide it well."

Wilframe nodded taking the treat and opening it carefully so he could re-seal it better later. Taking a small bite. Groaning at the taste "Oh sweet heavens this is amazing... its been such a long time since i had something sweet.."

Primus smiled and pulled out a datapad from his subspace handing it to wildframe. "If you wish to read up on some things about Unicron and or Primes all the info is on here. Although i suppose you already know alot about them, this holds some special info. Thought it might be something to occupy you with. I will make sure to have some more for you once you have read it"

He took it carefully "Ah thank you Sir-..Primus.."

Primus gave him a small nodd, moving Wilframe gently up against the back of the bed ,getting up, he moved to a smaller datapad shelf. The door suddenly bursting open. Wilframe jumping high at the sudden noise, groaing in pain. Primus only turning around calmly not even phased. Storming through the door was Unicron making a bee line for Primus.

He stood close pointing a clawed digit in his chest. "You dare leave me all alone for more than a few days!?,how dare you!?."

Primus simply huffed leaning closer to the other. "Becuase I suspected that you would be out for a few days. And when you wanted more attention you would come storming back. And i was right wasnt i~?"

Unicron growled shoving/pinning him against the wall making a few datapads to fall out of the shelf.

"Im not suppriced that you have the audacity to  leave a mecha to wake up a-" Primus had sent him an urgent pin stopping him mid sentence. Looking over his shoulder at the shocked preist. He looked back to Primus with a huff.

"So thats why hm?, you found another berthwarmer and decided that he would be more suitable than me?. Hmpf. Im offended."

Primus pushed him off, "If you were created with a processor you might recognize him as one of my new priests. And he is here recovering from a traumatic injury, and you barging in here like a crazed mech in heat is not very helpful."

Unicron gaped slightly servo on his chest looking offended. "My, My, such words comming from the God of creation~, and here i belived i was the bad one."

Primus rolled his optics looking up at him "What are you doing here anyway beloved?, i barely belive you came here just to cuddle, why are you really here?"

Unicron sat down on the edge of the berth on Wilframes side, he had started to look more uncomfortable by the seconds passing. He had been to Unicrons shrine but he didn't have that much time to see the God. But the priests there seemed very plesant, just like the femme that was from here, now located at Primus shrine.

"I just came to disturb you, and to help clear out the mess your preists caused. And i brought a few left over supplies you might need as well." He looked over to the preist and  leaned closer, a signature smirk on his dermas.

"And what might perhaps your name be?~"

"Wi-ldframe Sir." His voice swayed slightly as he spoke. He did not fear the God, he was Primus mate after all. But speaking with him still frightened him to the core.

Primus walked up to them "He was with me to your shrine. You know who he is."

Unicron hummed looking at Primus "My mind was preoccupied with other things~"

Primus dragged a servo over his faceplate. "Your lacking ability to multitask frightens me. And he needs to rest and your disturbing him. Get out."

Unicron got up leaning towards Wildframe but he stopped a few centimeters from him hearing Primus speak, his voice low and threatening.

"Dont touch him."

Wilframe was very confused, watching as Unicron stepped away huffing and then walked to the door. Unicrons voice was softer with a hint of longing as he spoke.

"Come over when you're.... done here." He left closing the door.

Primus went to pick up the datapads that had fallen to the floor, placing them on a nearby table.

"Excuse him, he gets a bit grumpy sometimes when he is not given my full and utter attention."

Wildframe just nodded, he looked down at the datapad. It had fallen out of his servo and down in his lap, he hadn't even noticed. He reached for it but nothing moved, panicking for a short second he calmed down feeling Primus helping him lay down.

"Its nothing to be worried about your body just needs to rest to recoverits strenght, you have used up alot already.."

He had started to fall asleep as soon as Primus had helped him lay down, the drugs once again taking effect. After just a few moments he was fast asleep.

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