Part 11 Sparks

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Wairu shifted slightly as Sator and Ditrix sat down. They motioned for him to sit down as well and he did quickly.

Sator looked at him with soft optics and a gentle smile as he spoke. "My designition is Sator and this is my mate Ditrix, he prounoun."

Wairu relaxed slightly, the mechs tone was quite relaxing. "Im Wairu, he prounoun as well." His mind raced as he tried to get something to start of the conversation with.

"So you are looking to add up to a trine?" He tilted his helm slightly, keeping servos in his lap. Servos shaking as he fiddled around to try to distract himself.

Ditrix and Sator looked at one another and as Ditrix spoke Sator looked off at the flowers.

"Yes.. We had a trine before the war but he passed as the war broke out. We are starting to miss having a third in our lifes."

"Oh, im sorry about that.." Wairu leaned slighlty closer into the conversation.

Primus looked up and smiled briefly "We are better now when we have had some time to.. cope with it but the loss of a spark tend to echo with.. some flashbacks occasionaly."

He noticed how Wairus expression had turned to a deep pondering state and he chuckled slightly.

"Sorry to throw all of that at you in the start but we don't want to pull any curtains on you and as quickly as possible explain what you might get into"

Primus subconsciously had leaned against Unicrons side as he spoke.

Wairu quickly answerd "Oh yes its alright i understand. And i realy appreciate it. But i promise im not that easily intimidated, and after this war i would be more suppriced if somebot didn't have some scars"

They all nodded in agreement.

"Oh!, that reminds me i got you something.."
Wairu started diging around in his subspace for a medium sized storage cube and handed it to Sator. He had brought a small gift to ease conversation in case he needed too.

"Thank you.. you realy didn't have to.."
He carefully opend the box revealing it was full of his favorite treats that he had been looking for all day. He gaped slightly.

"I hope you like them.. they where quite hard to find.. they are from my top five sweets." He smiled brightly as he spoke.

Ditrix laughed "Oh he likes them alright. We spent the entire day looking for them, and he has already devoured the ones i won him."

He laughed soft "Oh thats good that you like them, i made a good choice picking them then."

Sator purred his approval across their bond ~"I like this one.. i think we should dig a bit more about this bot..maybe even keep him. He has good taste"~

Ditrix spoke back laughter echoing through the bond ~"Just becuase of some treats? well well, besides, I think so too."~

They looked around as more bots had noticed the garden now that it was later into the night.

"I have a better place where we can be a bit more alone.."

Wairu nodded "Sounds good to me."

They got up as Primus and Unicron led the way to a second garden further down. As they walked throug the stalls they passed Wairus friends and they whilstled and cheered him on.

He walked closer to Sator and Ditrix, his engine growling slighlty as he huffed.

They moved to let him walk between them "Friends of yours?" Sator looked at the intoxicated group of bots.

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