Part 23 Rolling

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Wairu had made sure to buffer himself extra good today. Just to make the revenge that much sweeter if they had lied. And if they hadnt he looked good anyway, win win.

He took the liberty to walk to their meetup, needing to get those last bad thoughts out of his helm. Alot of bots where starring at him, his armor was shining rather bright wasnt it.., he  would like to hide himself but this gave him the small confidence boost he needed for this occasion.

As he approached he saw Ditrix and Sator already sitting at the café a drink in front of them. Ditrix spotted him and waved with a big smile, "Hey Wairu!"

He smiled and tried to act as normal, if they caught on too early they would have to much time to talk some story together and his plan would fall apart. So he calmly sat down and orderd a drink.

Sator took a sip of his own before speaking with a wide smile "Hello, how was the vacation?, relaxing i hope?"

Nodding Wairu moved his servos as he spoke "Yeah i went to a spa in Kaon and it vas very luxurious and relaxing. I see you survived without me at least"

They both chuckled "Yes indeed, altho you had us quite worried when you didn't answer for two days, so we when and asked your friends if something had happend to you. Just send a text before you go next time so we wont end up searching the cosmos for you." Sator smiled sheepishly.

Wairu nodded, calling over the waiter to order some desserts, Ditrix and sator ordering some as well. "So the spa, is it something you would recommend?"

Taking a bite out of his treat he hummed "Definitely, they had this crystal massage that was amazing. And a soak in an hot energon pond with some old cybertronin music playing and it was so relaxing. First time i ever tried yoga, you know to connect with the gods." He spoke the last part mockingly, Laughing he took another bite.

They both laughed with him, Ditrix humming "Yes in touch with your spark and you connected to Primus once more. Did you speak with him hmm? Telling him all about our war and how much you wish to thank him for bringing you life"

Wairu almost choked on his bite. "You know there actually was some bots there who where like that and i gotta say they where half of the enjoyment."

They all laughed together, "So what did you two do without little me around?, cry yourself to bed each night?, wondering if life is even worth living without me?" He mock pouted.

They both smiled Ditrix laying an arm over his head dramatically. "Why yes we where in such despair, we found ourselfs sleepless the entire week you where gone, wondering where to place our love now. So we adopted a pet crystal to keep us occupied. We named it Whyru."

Wairu had to hide his faceplate in his hands, laughing hysterically, "that is so horrible in every way. Worst joke ever"

"I thought it was the best one i ever made." Ditrix smiled triumphantly.

"So um.. i wanted to talk about a thing with you guys.." Wairu looked down at his drink for a second trying to collect the last bit of curage before looking up at them.

"Of course shortcake, what is it?" They both wore that same signarure soft smile as they paid attention to him.

"Well there has come up some questions regarding your id-" he watched as their attentin suddenly shifted to something above him, as he keept watching them their faceplates shifted to  panic. He didnt even have time to turn around and look at what they where seeing before Sator yelled.

"Wairu look out!"

Everything was a blur from there. Once his helm settled on what was happening he blinked his optics a few times to focus. He was clinging to Ditrix armor, looking up he saw he had his battle mask on. The space they where in was dark and the only light came from beside ditrix helm and his own optics. Never having seen him with it he blushed ever so slightly finding him even more handsome in the darkness, but then he rememberd his quest and shakes the feeling away. He could hear bots screaming and guns firing, "What happend?"

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