Part 4 Visitor

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Primus took it slow down the stairs. As he emerged down into the throne room he talked with each and every one of his preists. They had this down to a routine now. Primus would return, rest and then come down to talk to everyone. So they had no need to swarm him.

Everyone had a different name of course, and ha addressed them with said name.
They all wore the same kind of adornaments and a somewhat similar color sceme. Light blue or red with golden accents, but of course they all were different at spark and by frame. They might all look similar by color, but through their optics Primus could see their sparks, their each individual bot.

He spotted a preist whos spark he had not seen before, looking back and fourth Primus way quite nervously, standing among a group of priests he knew often took care of newcommers.

There was still newcommers arriving ready to take to the preist life. Manny seeks to take up the preist life out of spirutal reasons, and they are more than welcome to stay. But most bots go back to everyday life after just a few stellar cycles.

So there is a limbo period where they stay and help around the outer shrine, but they are never allowed to enter the deeper part of the shrine. Where Primus resides. Only those who are truly dedicated will travel down to greet the creator.

He turned to the priest he was currently talking to, Priest Ratiu. "Do we have a new recruit?"

Ratiu nodded looking towards the new priest. "Yes he has been here for quite some time accualy. Very talented in the artistic spectra.It has been millenia since we last had someone wanting to stay."

Primus looked up at the new priest. Excusing himself from their conversation and continued on the path towards the group. The new priest clearly panicking, looking around to the others for what to do.

The rest of the preist turned towards the source of the arrivals panic,smiling as Primus aproached. As soon as he was with the group they bombarded him with questions. And he shaked his helm with a smile.

"Easy, easy i will have time to talk to everyone, one thing at a time please."

One of the preist pulled the newcommer to stand in front of Primus.

"This is Wildframe Sire. Our newest addition to the temple." Wildframe stood there completely still, starring at Primus, mouth slightly agape.

Primus smiled gently,he always enjoyed meeting new priests, their awkwardness gave him so much entertainment. In a good way of course. Primus gave a small bow of his helm. "Very nice to meet you Wildframe, i hope my priests has treated you well so far. And that they havent driven you completly mad in my absence. We are glad to have you here."

Wildframe bowed deeply, mouth properly gaping now, stuttering as he spoke. "I-i it is an absolute honor m-meeting you Sire" he fidgeted slighlty with his digits trying to contain his exitement or perhaps more of his nervousness, optics wide in amazement.
"The honor is all mine Sire. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your priesthood Sire."

Primus gave a small nodd. "Dont let the rest of the priests scare you with whatever they have told you. You are allowed to call me Primus, or Sire. Whatever you prefer." Wildframe nodded hastily.

He noticed something with another color sceme than his priests moving at the corner of his optic. Looking to the side he saw two other priests with a purple armor and golden accents standing outside the Groundbridge room right across from his chair, accompanied with two of his priests. Brows furrowing in confusion, he knew those bits pretty well. He exused himself from their conversation and walked over to his guests. Wildframe stuck glaring at him as he walked away.

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