Part 9 Get out

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A few days later Wildframe was fit to move about the shrine, if someone was with him making sure he didn't have a nasty fall or a sudden blackout. Ratiu gladly assisting him.

Unicron had come back again literally draging/fighing Primus out of his room resulting in a big broken window and alot of damage to the shrines interior. This had happend manny times before, them fighting was more of a game than anything, so the priests wasn't that phased when they both had fallen from Primus window and far down on the floor below in a pile of orange and golden armor.

Qaru had not been happy, and had scolded both Primus and Unicron and reminded them that any sort of fighting between the two was to remain inside of Primus qarters or in the training area.

"You both need to fraggin civilize yourselfs. Your fighting is getting out of hand, and i want you both out of this shrine and out amongst regular bots becuase you obviously can't behave yourselfs and need someone to teach you.

Unicron smirked looking at Primus. "Hah! Your getting kicked out of your own Shrine."

Qaru grabbed Unicrons armor right beneath his core jerking him close making the god of destruction fall on one knee to catch himself, making them about the same height. Unicron still remaing slightly taller.

Qarus faceplate was close to Unicron, he almost hissed as he spoke. "That goes for you too. Don't remind me who started all this nonsense. You are in your mates shrine and here i decide over every bot inside it , and you just happend to be in it. And if you choose to not listen, i will rain down a living hell upon you. You might be the god of destruction but you cant even begin to fathom what i will do to you. Understood?"

Unicron gave him an angry look and huffed "You don't command me. Im the god of destruct-"

In a quick blurr of limbs Unicron was laying on the floor optics wide with confusion, Qaru looming above him.

"Just becuase im a an entire chest smaller than you it dosent mean i cant put you in yer place. Now, Are,We, Clear?."

Unicron turned his helm away mumbling. Qaru grabbing one of his horns and pulling his helm back to look at him.

"What was that?"

"Crystal, clear." Unicron almost hissed.

Qaru yanked his helm back down stepping away heading towards the science part of the shrine. "Now get out of here!!"

They both jumped slightly. Primus groaning pulling his mate up. "See what you did there, that is going to come back times ten at me for 2 days." He couldn't contain himself more and burst out with laughter at how his preist had handled his mate.

Unicron huffed "Your preist reflect you, very rude."

Coolant was slowly running from his optics and he wraped his arms around his midsection, his frame shaking with laughter. "You should have seen your faceplate"

Unicron growled getting up and planning to jump him again, stopping as soon as he stood up remembering what Qaru had said to him.
"It wasn't that funny. Lets go, you really do need some proper socializing."

Primus still beaming with laughter was pulled along by his back armor and thrown at the groundbridge controlls. He got up and took a deep invent to calm himself. Tapping in the cordinates for Iacon.

As the spacebridge opend he walked back over to Unicron, a soft laugh escaping him every now and then.

Unicron rolled his optics and pressed a small device to Primus chest, he did the same thing to himself tapping the middle off it making himself transform into into a slightly larger than average bot with a bulky frame and a purple paintjob with a black base. He rolled his helm and stretched looking up at Primus with red optics, a slight frown on his faceplate.

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