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Have you ever felt alone? Like there was nobody in the whole wide world to keep you company? Trust me, I've been there before. As a matter of fact, 6/06/2031 was the day I felt totally left out. I was home alone and my girlfriend from of old had not been in touch for two weeks. And the worst part of the entire story was that I barely had anything doing. This scenario was enough to make any sane person go crazy. But hey, I did not let that situation get the best of me. Instead I learnt some really valuable lessons from them. For starters, everyone is bound to leave sooner or later. The more friends you have, the more painful that is going to be. I can't trust anybody. The only person I can really be certain of that will always stay regardless of the situation is me. Nobody can make me happy. I owe my happiness to myself. The choices I make determine my happiness. Nobody can actually hurt me unless I choose to feel hurt. Nobody can piss me off unless I decide to get pissed off. It's all within. I control my own emotions. Nobody can make me feel what I don't want to. I make my own choices. And I choose to be happy with or without the ones I love. It's time to set some ground rules...

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