(YEAR SIX) 86. Hair Gel

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"An outstanding in potions? Weren't you failing-"
"That was my past, excuse you.." I nudged Draco as we walked to class.
"Oh? So you've completely reformed from your troublesome past?"
"I didn't cheat on the exams, if thats what you're implying.." I lied, and he scoffed as he opened to door.
"I implied nothing, but if I were to imply anything, I know I'm correct."
"Shut your mouth!"
"See, I have no idea how she smells toothpaste when it's obvious that her "true love" Ronald doesn't brush his teeth." I joked.
Professor Slughorn didn't hear what I said, but saw me whispering.
"Miss Dean-Gray, care to share with the class what the Amortentia potion smells of to you?" He asked, and I took a deep spiritual sigh, walking towards the table.
Nervously, I leaned over it.
"I smell.. expensive champagne... daisies, and-" I stopped as my face went red beyond all belief.
"Well?" The professor encouraged, and I shook my head.
"Hair gel." I replied, my face flushed a deep crimson as I drowned out the reaction of the class with my internal screaming.
"You may return to your spot."
I shuffled back, completely freaking out as I put my head down.
"I really can't tell if that was more embarrassing for me or for you." Draco teased, mid laugh as he blushed wildly, so I stepped on his foot.
"Did you hear?? Christina started crying because of some potion in class!" A younger student teased, so I did the right thing.
I held my leg out as the one who said that passed, causing them to eat dirt as I innocently walked away.
Christina hadn't told me, but when she got a turn to smell the potion, she began tearing up.
I looked to her in the courtyard, surrounded by her house members and a few others as she chatted away.
She seemed fine now, so I didn't push it.
"Alright you puny little vermin!" I screamed at the lineup of other slytherin students.
Yes, it was true.
The new captain of the Slytherin quidditch team was none other than the only other person in the world that could match the anger levels of Marcus.
"I'm expecting at least one broken bone from each of you who make it by the end of tryouts, or you're not on the team!" I threatened like Marcus used to, watching the younger kids tremble.
I'm not the devil or anything, but the sight definitely made me nostalgic in a fucked up way that I couldn't help but smirk oh-so-evilly.
"Now I need a hundred laps from each of you!"
"Aw coach, you're going easier on us than Marcus.." Blaise teased.
"After those hundred, then we can start warmups." I deadpanned as I stared into his soul with determination.
"Tormenting children, are we?" I heard from behind me as a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders.
"Yes we are.." I turned to Draco. "And you're making me look weak in front of the team." I tapped his nose sweetly before breaking out of his hold.
"Please, you're the first woman captain, and star player since you were what, 11?"
I shook my head with a smile. "Something like that.."
He sighed contently and I looked at him. He looked tired.
"So where are you coming from?" I asked.
"Study hall." He said with a strained tone. "Doing important work.."
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it twice.
"Falling off on the 40th lap?! I bet your parents took a risk one night and regretted it 9 months later!" I yelled to a boy.
Draco chuckled and squeezed my hand back.
"Oh, I have your food." He said as he handed me a bag. "Actually, Chris and Donna were at the bakery and I heard the strangest thing.."
"Jeez.." Donna cupped her drink as she listened to Christina.
"It smelled like sunflowers and the ground after it rains.." she explained solemnly.
Donna frowned and offered Chris another cookie, to which she happily excepted.
"I always thought Jeremy would smell like rotten lemons." Draco commented, coming from nowhere.
"What..?" Chris asked.
"Like, his hair and his eyes make him look sour, but in a weird way."
She giggled a bit as he crouched on the empty chair between the girls.
"But yeah, dirt seems fair enough." He continued.
"It means I'm still in love with him.." she said with a shrug.
"It's okay, you'll-" Donna began.
"Ah!" He put his finger up and leaned towards Chris. "You show him who the real queen is, and do the one thing that'll ruin him."
She waited for his response.
"Date his best friend."
"Alright lord of pettiness.. calm down, his best friend is her brother." Donna rolled her eyes.
He cursed under his breath. "I bet his other closest friend is (Y/n)! Do that!" He encouraged.
"Your girlfriend..?" Donna pointed out again.
He cursed under his breath again, before his eyes lit up again. "I mean, I can make some sacrifices-"
"Draco, I'm okay!" Christina said with a chuckle. "Thank you.."
"Please, all I did was brainstorm his downfall for you." He said before stealing her cookie and leaving.
"He's a good friend when he wants to be, you know?" Christina watched him through the glass as he yelled at someone for bumping into him.
"I do." Donna watched alongside her.
Christina turned back to Donna, and began quietly eating.
"Do you think that you're like.. really done?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Chris asked.
"Like, do you think you and Jeremy are forever done?"
Christina was silent. "I was mad. I still am, but.." she took a deep breath.
"I think if we do end up talking again, we'd need to rebuild that trust that we've had since we were small." She smiled fondly.
"That'll be hard." Donna said.
"How so?"
"Having to rebuild something that you already threw away the blueprint for, because you thought you'd never need it."
Christina sighed.
"Obnoxiously poetic, but yeah." She looked out the window. "I know."

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