68. Wonder Who its From

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The walls felt like they were caving in on me, my breath was running out, and I still didn't let myself make a sound.
But the voices got louder, and panic ensued as I ran, getting more and more clumsy as the fear kicked in.
I managed to trip and fall, and the shadow casted over me like my doom.
"Isn't it late to be out like this..?"
I huffed, unable to answer.
"You must have a good reason, cause this won't look good for you."
"I-I was on my way to the bathroom.." I managed to say as I stood, backing up.
"Wrong answer, sweetiecakes..."
I instantly died of laughter, barely being able to stand.
"See, I've rendered you immobile." Draco said proudly as he walked up to me as I cringed and laughed to death.
"You're really not good at this whole sneaking around thing... I'm gonna have to bring you in.." he shook his head.
"You're obnoxious!" I groaned out as he walked over to me with his wand out.
I squinted at him in the semi-darkness. "You wouldn't dare.."
"What? Do my job?"
I batted my eyelashes. "What about exceptions for a pretty lady?"
"You look like a rat." He said with no remorse in his tone and my jaw dropped in pure pain.
I could tell he had a mischievous grin, even in the darkness.
"Well, you can't prove this rat did anything wrong.." I crossed my arms and insisted.
"Up after hours?"
I cursed under my breath and took a step closer. "Violating the 8 inch rule now?" I asked.
"Be quiet, you rule breaking scum." He said harshly, while we smiled.
A crash came from further down the hall, and Draco rolled his eyes as I laughed silently.
"Oh, jeee! Stay here while I go investigate that mysterious noise! Sure hope you don't sneak off to your secret room to train!" He whispered to himself mostly as he turned, and sure enough it was the one boy on earth he hated the most who decided to 'save me.'
What a good hearted moron, Potter..
"A wedding?? After she got pregnant??" Pansy asked as Donna opened her invitation, and I sat back in my chair with mine to watch.
"Yeah, and it's none of your business, seeing as it's only the truly elite pureblood families allowed.." Donna responded as she went to the couch to read it.
'Join Theodora Agiree and Jay on the day that Theo gets a last name that people can actually pronounce'
I didn't realize she was calling me until I looked up.
"Oh, yeah?" I responded shortly.
"Would you wanna go shopping with Chloe and I for dresses?" She offered, and spending time with the boys constantly made that sound like the greatest thing that has ever happened.
But, I'm petty.
"I'm going with my aunt... bridesmaid stuff." I said, less passive aggressive than I thought I'd be.
Donna just gave me a smile and left.
"That was less passive aggressive than I thought you'd be." Draco said while he read his next to me on the floor.
"Right?" I nudged him with my knee as I picked my homework back up.
Strange. Christina's handwriting was really small in this letter she just sent me, and the tone had a strange vibe that I couldn't place.
'Hey Y/n! Hope you're doing well at school! I've been doing great, Mom doesn't like when I leave my room for snacks, and she gets loud a lot, but I think she's just worried about me. She goes through my letters to make sure they aren't bad for me to read, and doesn't let me send letters either in case, but she's at work right now. Jeremy was supposed to take me to brunch, butttt she won't let anyone visit me. How is he? Anyway, I asked if I could come back to school and she laughed, so I'm probably coming back soon if she's that excited! Oh, and if you don't get this, she caught me. In that case, hi Mom!
Love you Y/n!
She always signs with Chris...
I hoped Chris was okay, and I even asked Draco if Jeremy had seen anything off about her.
"He got all mad and talked about how of course she was acting weird, she'd been kidnapped for 4 days." Draco said.
"Fair.." I said in defeat, running my hands through my hair.
"It's okay, they're both acting all weird for now, but you're failing class, so unless you want to pay me for tutoring you..." he tapped his fingers on the desk and shrugged.
"Yeah, teach me shit, you nerd."

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