3. Swept Away

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"Hey, Donna." I said as I sat down.
"Don't talk to Christina Webber." Was the first thing she said.
"Forget that, she was getting friendly with a Weasley!" Malfoy inserted himself, clear of his frog-faced minions for the first time I've seen. "Though I'd expect just that from a mudblood..." he spat.
"Sorry what??" I turned to Donna, ignoring him as he continued to glare.
"Christina Webber is a mean girl." Donna insisted.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"She just is, okay..."
"No, tell me. You can't just tell me who to associate myself with and not give me a reason."
"She flaunts what she knows you'll never get, and she'd rather be friends with garbage than you, trust me." She stated like it was a fact.
"Is this cause of Jeremy Gray and Jason Webber's muggle friends tooo ?" Simon Kim, a boy in Jay's year, with a bleached fluffy mullet and chaotic energy, interjected.
I looked to Donna, who stayed quiet.
"Right... cause who would be friends with someone from the muggle world..." I stood up with a bread roll and left the room, eating on the stairs.
Why did my house have to the one that treats muggles and all the other houses with the same energy of petty children?!
I rolled my eyes at the bigoted ideas and angrily bit my bread.
I wish I was in literally any other house... I'd have Jay and my sister, or Christina, or even Jeremy.
But no, I'm here in the house filled with literal
During our first class, I ended up introducing Christina to my sister, while our professor, Professor McGonagall, sat on her desk in the form of a cat. She kept looking to me with a look that I couldn't place.
"Pleasure." Hermione said with a smile, happy as ever to be in a classroom.
"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron laughed as him and Harry burst through the door, late.
My sister sighed, and Christina laughed at the two a bit.
Our professor then jumped off of her table, turning from the feline back into herself.
"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaimed in surprise, while Harry looked terrified.
"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time."
Christina and I shared another look of knowing that she was our favorite professor already.
"We got lost..." Harry choked out.
"Perhaps a map then?" She said.
Our day dragged on, including a moment in professor Snape's class where he picked on Harry quite a bit.
A memorable part of the day was when we were split by our houses for a flying lesson, Slytherin and Gryffindor in one class.
I could've sworn they were doing this for the drama.
Madam Hooch greeted us, instantly ready to teach us.
"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, Up!"
I waited for other kids to start before I began speaking, feeling foolish.
"Up!" Kids repeated, and I looked down at my broom.
I felt silly, so I didn't say anything at first, but instantly it flew in my grip anyways.
The class gave out mixed reactions to my achievements, but soon after Harry got it too.
Not a second later, so did Draco, and Ron smacked himself in the face with his broom.
I saw Antonio struggling, and I realized that he was the only one in my house that hadn't been rude to me so far.
"Say it with like, feeling." I instructed.
"Up!" He called and he grabbed it.
"Thanks, Elizabeth, right?"
"That's me." I said and gave him a smile as I turned to my sister who had her broom already and I gave her a thumbs up.
"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end." Madam Hooch instructed.
"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2..." she gave the whistle.
My heart beated fast and heavy, and I couldn't suppress a giggle, making a few of my housemates roll their eyes.
This was already the happiest I've ever been at this school.
It was magical, and I was a foot from the ground.
There was nothing that could stop me on this broom!
So there apparently is something.
A Gryffindor boy went flying into the air, screaming.
Everyone freaked out, and I drifted towards my sister as he did loops, catching on a statue by his cloak.
He fell and a few people ran towards him, including our frazzled teacher.
She muttered something about a broken wrist and warned us not to fly.
Draco picked up the boy's gift he had gotten earlier by owl, a Remembrall, which was an object that would let you know when you had forgotten something.
"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass!" He joked.
"Give it here, Malfoy." Harry ordered.
"Can you try to have some basic human respect?" I asked at the same time, making eye contact with Harry.
"You're funny, Granger. And no. I think I'll leave it somewhere Longbottom will find."
He easily climbed on his broom and flew upwards. "How 'bout up on the roof??" He soared off and hovered in the sky. "What's the matter? Bit beyond your reach?"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my broom, mounting it before Hermione could even get out her objections.
Harry had the same idea and she cursed after the both of us.
"Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry demanded.
"Listen to him you moron!" I yelled.
"Is that so?" Draco chuckled and threw it into the air as Harry lunged him.
He realized and I quickly flew to it, grabbing it as Draco's dodge from Harry knocked me, and sent the ball flying towards a window.
My life flashing before my eyes as I wobbled, I saw the object zoom past at unimaginable speeds.
I sped after it and eyed Professor McGonagall through the window as I maneuvered myself between the window and the Remembrall.
"Harry!" I yelled as I caught and redirected it towards him with the back of my broom.
He quickly chased after it and I backed him up as fast as I could, but he caught it and the class cheered.
But the second our feet hit the ground, McGonagall was storming out.
"Elizabeth Granger, Potter, come with me."
I shot Draco a glare as I followed Harry in silence.

" I shot Draco a glare as I followed Harry in silence

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