82. City

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"It's sunny??" Donna crowd with a pout as we went over the steep hills of the city.
"You were raised in London and you're complaining about the lack of fog?" Chloe asked.
"Don't worry! If it's not foggy then it's windy!" I called as I happily scurried to put on my jacket.
"You've been here?" Theodore asked. "Dad would do shows here often."
"Yeah, when I was littler there would be an event for quilting and I'd get to go with Hermione and her mother every other year." We kept gossiping about San Francisco as the others minded their business or watched the buildings pass.
"You know, he's not talking about.. this, right?" Draco motioned to the window with disgust.
I rolled my eyes. "Of course the magic part is going to be soooo much cooler!"
He just smiled and shook his head.
And then Jeremy turned sharply, and entered the subway with a loud boom.
I reached to the seat for balance as we sped past a train headed straight for us, and emerged on the other side.
It had the same charm that the residential side of the city had, every building different from the next, in color, shape, or size, only now, the size of the buildings were skyscrapers instead of three story apartment spaces, and above us train cars moved upside down.
I gawked at the sight, face glued to the window.
"Told you so." Draco said, now next to me as he looked up at the buildings.
I tried to look away in defiance, but finally gave up. "Just this once you're allowed to be right.." I bumped him with my shoulder.
"What next??" Chloe jumped around Donna as she twirled the ribbon she bought.
"It's midnight, Chlo." Blaise answered, yawning. "Say goodbye to the doting blonde little puppy dog."
They turned to Draco, who was judging the perfume I bought as we laughed in the back of the group.
We stopped and he furrowed his eyebrows before nodding.
"Jeremy's gotten enough sleep, go wake him up." He said to me with a sad smile.
"Why can't I just stay..?" I pouted.
"Cause I'm working." He replied with a grin.
"You've been excited to use that grown up line haven't you?" I asked.
"I was hoping you'd be the one I used it on." He said with a cheeky grin.
"My god! I'm waking Jeremy up and I'm leaving before I puke!" Donna cried out as she turned to the car.
"You sure I can't stay..?" I pouted.
It was the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes that gave me hope.
"If Jeremy says yes, and you promise to stay away from what I'm doing, then gladly." He gave in and I cheered.
"Jeremy! I'm staying and you and Chris can have the big room!" I skipped up the steps and grabbed my bags.
"Ah.. I don't know." He replied uncertainly.
"Jeremy. When have I ever not minded my own business?" I deadpanned.
"... alright have fun." He dismissed and I cheered, happily jumping around in the darkness.
"Do you want to stay then?" Christina asked him.
"No." He said harshly. "Y- we should get going now."
"I need to recruit this group, and unfortunately they're situated in muggle territory and even have some in their ranks, but apparently they're one of the most important groups to recruit." Draco explained.
"Who are they?" I asked as I tried to keep his pace as we neared the subway.
"No questions, trust me it's better that way." He said slightly sternly and I pouted, grabbing his hand.
"I trust you." I said softly and he slowed his pace to a normal level.
Then it clicked.
"We're staying in a normal place?!"
"Muggle is not "normal" excuse you." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Some high end hotel I presume?" I asked.
"More like a 3nd floor apartment that they rented out for my visit.."
My urban dream heart screamed with glee as Draco pouted.
"If this group is so important, why don't they just get you a hotel?"
"You're asking questions.." he said in a warning tone as we emerged the other side.
I scoffed as we kept walking.
"This is.."
"The best thing ever??" I cried as I shuffled past the small hallway and into the creaky living room.
"Sure.." he said as he put the bags down on the floor and went to survey the small apartment.
I turned on the tv, the cartoons that I grew up watching flashed on the screen and I gaped.
The intro came on and I instantly started dancing around the couch and tight corners, careful to not make noise with my feet.
"We have a pr- what are you doing?" Draco asked as he leaned against the door to one of the rooms.
"Are you judging me for being nostalgic??" I asked as I jumped up on the couch and made a bigger fool of myself.
He scoffed and watched me quietly until the song ended.
"So, there's only one twin sized bed." He said and my eyes popped out of my head.
"You should've said something!" I huffed as I went to check.
Sure enough, it'd probably barely fit his tall ass self.
"The couch is comfy, and I like the view." I said, shrugging.
"You can't-"
"I wasn't asking." I said as I sat back down, wiping the sweat from my forehead.
"You're amazingly inconvenient for my conscience.." he shook his head.
"Please, like you have one!" I teased and he rolled his eyes, sitting next to me on the couch and silently watching the program.

•Memories• ||D.M.||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang