51. (Part 2) Golden Links

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"Well this is anticlimactic..." Draco flicked the last chocolate chip at Blaise and Chloe, who were dancing happily to the upbeat tune.
I fiddled with my mother's gold ring on my index finger, taking a breath to prepare myself.
"Did you mean what you said?" I asked, and he looked at me and blinked.
"Earlier, when we were acting out that scene, you said that-"
"I know what I said. Now, I need some entertainment before I curl into a raisin and die of boredom."
"You haven't answered my question, Dr-"
"Ah, come here!" He stood, and I shimmied my heel back into my shoe and reluctantly stood, following his eager steps with my eyes.
He waited in the middle of the floor, and held his hand out.
I scoffed as I walked towards him, weirdly shuffling in my shoes until I regained composure.
"You, sir, need to stop interrupting me." I grabbed his hand, he pulled me closer to him, and he led the first familiar rock step.
"Apologies, Ms. Gray-Dean." He said cheekily as he guided my arm to his shoulder, his hand balanced on my lower back.
"Right..." we turned slowly as the music stayed simple. "Now can we please talk about what you said earlier?" I asked, frustrated as he idly spun me.
"What is there to talk about?" He said shortly, adding another spin.
"What does it mean Draco, what does any of this mean?" I asked as people stopped dancing, gathering around us in a circle, swaying to the music, but most attention lied on us.
"What are you going on about?" He asked.
"You, me! Any of it!" I whisper-yelled.
"What are we?"
He didn't falter in step, but was still deep in thought as we glided through the song easily.
"Well, we're what you want it to be." He concluded, the height of the song taking all our focus as we moved harmoniously, even better than last year, and this time we were completely non choreographed.
It ended in a swift dip, and I looked up into his grey eyes.
"I... I want to be us, I think." I said, and he bursted a huge grin, helping me upright as he caught my balance from the sudden pull, whispering a frantic apology.
His nonchalant attitude was gone, and he was a blushing mess as the people around us came back to dance.
I giggled at his expressions and attitude.
"That's, well." He tried to hide his expression by sniffling his nose. "That's fine with me, I guess.."
He was looking anywhere but towards me, hands on his hips.
"It's fine with me, too." I smiled fondly, pulling the left side of his collar down, and placing a quick peck on his cheek before skipping off towards my girl friends.
Legend says he's still standing there in shock...
"You Hogwarts pests are a bunch of filthy leaches!" Daniel exclaimed, slamming a drink onto the floor as Jeremy stood in front of him, Christina protected behind him.
"Back off, mommy issues.." Jeremy said unwisely, the fist of his aggressor raising high in the air.
"Watch it!" I yelled out, storming over.
"You need to back the hell off!" Daniel warned me.
"Stay away from my friends." I said darkly.
"Please! This overgrown preteen can take a hit to the face." he cracked his knuckles, then neck, and I placed myself between Jeremy and him.
"(Y/n), get out of here!" Jeremy warned with his teeth clenched.
I ignored him, even if every bone in my body was terrified.
"Now, you wouldn't hit a small little 4th year girl, would you? Especially not the last living Gray-Dean! Could you imagine that backlash?!" I fake gasped, my finger tapping at my chin as I expected him to turn red in anger.
Daniel's face contorted in a way that was opposite to Nathan's last year.
His eyes darkened, and any emotion previously on his face now gone, like it evaporated.
"Trust me, you misleading little girl.. I can crush you so much deeper than your face.." he said lowly before reaching out towards my face with a grunt.
I covered my face, but I was pulled forward by my neck, a crack coming from-
"My locket!" I cried in a shrill tone as I lunges forward, missing by one step back on his part.
"Mr. Lopez!" Professor McGonagall stormed over, not before he threw it against the floor, breaking it in half, my mother's voice, and then his foot stomping them out.
He was hit in the face by who I'm almost positive was Draco, but my eyes were watering as I was looking at the broken gold chain links on the floor.
The next thing I remember, I was on my bed.
"You should get out." I registered Pansy saying.
"I'm just making sure she's okay."
"I can do that, now leave.." she was authoritative.
"Look, I'm sorry that I didn't like you, but you need to be done with it." Draco said.
"Look, I'll deal with you in a group, and I'll keep quiet around (Y/n), but I'm not putting up with you alone."
"Why are you even still upset?!" He asked.
"Because you told a little girl that her feelings were stupid and invalid, and you keep leading me on!"
"How have I been leading you on?? You know how it's been for the past four years!"
She was silent for a moment. "Get out of my room." She ordered.
"Tell me when she wakes up." Was all he said coldly, before the door shut loud enough to make me flinch.
This was a development...

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