79. Black and White

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The last day, right before summer as the sun shown brightly over the warm green grass.
I laid on the ground, my head next to Christina, as we both stared up at the sky.
"You think that'll be enough?" She asked me softly.
"No. But we should just be there for them for now." I said in the same dull tone.
"You think they're gonna be okay?" She asked.
"Do you think they'll ever be okay again?"
"I don't know."
"Can you feel it too, or is it just me?"
I took a deep breath. "Everything is different now. It all shifted."
"Should we check on them?"
"Both of their fathers have just been thrown in Azkaban and now the world knows. They need some space first."
I was pacing in my room, the creaking of the floor becoming a pattern in my head.
I didn't realize how quiet the manor was usually, not until that silence was gone.
And with the silence leaving, went my sense of safety, which had all but vanished.
Deatheaters came to and from the home at unpredictable times, leaving me to my room for sometimes days on end.
I knew I wouldn't be hurt, but the idea that these people would and have killed those that were raised like me in the blink of an eye made me terrified, an emotion I didn't ever think would be common for me.
When you're scared, you get better at listening.
I've heard them talk of Draco, and how he's going to be "marked". How he's being published for his father's failure.
I hadn't heard from him since we returned, he's been in his room too.
I think he goes out more, I've heard him leave his room, and heard his voice below, soft and hoarse.
When he was in his room, I'd make sure he knew.
Two taps on the shared wall.
Two taps that meant I was there for him.
That it'll be okay.
Every time I thought of him, two taps.
He would always tap back twice.
"Tomorrow night, I'll have your dress delivered to you, but look your best, and keep everything you wear white." I was instructed by Narcissa, her eyes tired as she quickly opened my door and closed it just as fast.
She left to his room next.
"Chris! You have a letter from Jer!" Theodora called from downstairs as she bounced Gabe against her hip.
Christina was down the stairs in an instant, grabbing the paper from her hands.
"An invitation..?" She skimmed over the first part.
She gasped.
"Where's Jeremy taking you?" Theo asked with a smile as she sat her chubby baby boy in his high chair.
"J-just a date.." her hands were slightly shaking.
"Alright.. well, Jay's outside so tell him before you reply."
Theodora and Jay were on a small farm in the middle of absolutely nowhere now, raising their son and living off of their own land until Theodora inherits her family money. After Charlie was put away, Jay was the next option for guardianship of his sister, and put her to work on their farm, due to her overwhelming knowledge of herbology, and due to owing Jeremy a favor that he promised he would Keep.
Protect Chris from everything at all costs.
On second thought, maybe she wouldn't tell Jay about the invite..
Instead, she looked for her best white dress to wear.
Three knocks. Something I wasn't used to.
Three knocks on my door.
Maybe it was because I was used to two knocks from my wall, but I was genuinely scared.
I didn't reply, not knowing what awaited on the other side.
"(Y/n)!" Christina whispered.
I gasped and ran to the door, pulling her in quickly.
"Why are you here?!" I gasped as I shut the door, locking it again.
"Same as you.. Do you know anything??" she said in a panicked tone as she paced.
"What?? No! I-I was told to just get dressed up!"
Her eyes widened. "It's Draco, he's.."
"Oh god.." I let out a breath and she gave a sympathetic look.
"I wasn't there when Jeremy got his, but we can talk to him before." She comforted, and I tried not to lose my head. "I have a feeling that we're here for more important reasons, (Y/n).." she said as she shook her head.
"For support?"
"No.. it feels more twisted." She explained, her eyes going wide. "I know what you need to do."
A cult ritual. That's what it seemed like to Christina.
The all white outfits, the hospital level cleanliness as candles were lit all around.
That was the one requirement.
Wear white.
She had a feeling it was a thing about purity. She hoped at least.
After she was kidnapped, she became uncertain in her abilities, second guessing herself constantly.
She felt that maybe, the girls were invited as a test to see if they could handle the mark? Or, at least handle being part of it.
And because feminine traits are seen as purest, what could lil old (Y/n) do to make a statement, and not get killed?
I could strut down the hall in a two piece, all white suit, gold jewelry and necklaces on display as the crowd of familiar faces from parties and Jeremy's events watched.
Speak of, Jeremy followed behind me, drawing the attention away before the older men almost fainted in shock.
It was a standoff with looks between me and the rest. The people who had been plaguing my life with their whispers for weeks.
And the energy shifted as he walked in. I understood why most were terrified of him. I couldn't place myself on fear more than intimidated. Voldemort was the only one in black robes.
Save the boy who followed, a completely black suit.
Draco made my heart ache. I missed him, and the pain on his face made it so I wanted to rescue him.
But I couldn't. Not as he bowed before the largely regarded dark lord, holding his arm up.
"When I got mine, I was bedridden for a day.. like it stole all my energy." Jeremy softly explained to Christina, and I held the flower pendant in my hand nervously.
The wand was touched to his wrist, and he groaned, a second away from screaming.
From the back, you could still see the gruesome tattoo forming, and as he let out his cry, white clothes in the room switched to black. Christina Looked down at her newly black dress and did a double take around the room.
When it was done, he fell to the floor with a soft thud.
I didn't care about anything else as I ran and lifted his head, checking him over. He was out cold, and I didn't acknowledge Voldemort until he laughed menacingly.
"The Gray child.. it seems your mother has influenced your personality well into her grave.." he looked at me up and down.
He was just an old, creepy man with a god complex.
Truly, he was the one who sent me the least fear.
"Bring him to rest.. he's done well."
I glared strongly as Jeremy came over, helping me lift him.
I missed that.
I missed the absence of fear, and the rage in my blood.
"Is he okay??" I asked Jeremy.
He nodded. "He'll probably make a faster recovery than I did.. he doesn't have much energy to be drained." Jeremy explained as he patted my shoulder.
"Are you..?" I began to ask.
"Are you doing okay? Alone in the Gray manor.."
He spaced for a second.
"I'm.. managing." He decided to reply, sending me a smile.
"Alright.. if you need anything-"
"I know, (Y/n). Grays stick together." He pinched my shoulder.
"Given your family history, I wouldn't say that.." Christina joked.
"Christ, Chris!"

•Memories• ||D.M.||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz