70. Sleepovers and Fighting God

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"We're on board, but I have to ask.. Why us out of anyone?" I asked as Jeremy sipped his tea.
"You two are practically legends because of the whole Maud Eclair case." He praised, and I narrowed my eyes.
"Okay, it's cause you guys are the most morally bendable people I know, and everything that we're about to do relies on that." He fessed up, and a smile came to my face.
"So, what's the plan?" Draco asked.
"No need to worry now, just be prepared to work as more than a bridesmaid, (Y/n)." He said with a smile, turning to leave.
"Well isn't he non-cryptic and unsuspicious.." Draco said before taking a sip of his tea.
"Sleepover!" I cried as I threw my blanket onto the sofa, and the boys looked up from their game, for it was the eve of Christmas, and the ball had been cancelled due to "work problems" with Draco's father, so I was bothering anyone I could to make up for the pain.
"Yeah, no girls at boy's night." Vincent spat, and I narrowed my eyes.
"You're having a literal sleepover." I commented.
"It's called boys night, (Y)." Blaise corrected.
"It's called a fucking sleepover, B." I said, mocking his tone.
"You've been banned from the parlor, shoo." Theodore's tone was all posh.
"This is my home!" I argued.
"Actually, it's really not." Gregory decided to butt in, and I genuinely glared in his direction.
"Quiet, you frog faced bafoon, and start playing!" Draco said from the couch, sending me a small smile.
"Can I do your guy's hair then?" I asked, looking to my closest friend of the bunch.
Blaise laughed. "If you think you're touching my beautiful bouncy coils, then you're a moron."
I nodded in agreement, and turned to Theodore.
In the end, I didn't touch the greasy boys and made Theodore's hair spikes into little buns, Draco had pigtails, and I got Blaise to let me do little pom poms on the sides.
Draco hadn't actually played, so I sat on the couch while he watched.
"That's why your father died!" Vincent elbowed Blaise, and I scoffed as he awkwardly laughed.
"Your old friends are garbage people." I commented "quietly."
Draco shrugged after giving Blaise a face to make sure he was fine.
"Haven't you been orphaned twice?" Gregory said after he heard me.
"Haven't you?? Only kept you around cause of the baby shower gifts, no doubt.."
He looked back to me confused. "All I'm hearing is the ghosts of your gay ass mums."
"Oh, sorry, does the little boy not understand big girl words?" I stood up. "Your rude and offensive sense of humor that doubles as a shield and coping mechanism doesn't make you funny. Your insecurities aren't a justification for being a total fucking prickhead, you lumpy faced bitch." I spat.
"Oy, who does this girl think she is?" Vincent said you Draco. "Get your bitch in check!"
"Get out." He replied in a normal tone.
"I said, get the hell out of my home before I have you forcefully thrown out the 5th floor window." He crossed his legs, waiting.
"You really have every pureblood girl after you, and you choose your little charity case?" Gregory asked.
I scoffed and went towards the stairs, slamming my door.
I screamed into my pillow.
"What??" I asked as Avocado tilted his head at me.
He ignored my question and rubbed against my face, beginning to purr.
"Not now, mom's in the mood to fight god." I told the cat as I gently pushed his face away and sat up, only for him to curl in my lap.
I glared at the small ragdoll cat, only for him to flip on his back and stare up at me with his black little eyes.
I melted instantly and started petting him.
"Happy Christmas Eve to you too, baby boy.." I said, growing tired as I carried him to the rocking chair near the fire.
I placed him on my lap, looking towards the door before grabbing the gift to check it one more time.
I smiled and closed the box, grabbing my book and curling up with Avocado.
"Leave it to you to fall asleep at 10 o'clock on Christmas Eve after everyone else leaves.."
I was in fact, not asleep, but I was pretending.
Draco turned on the lamp next to my bed, and I heard his footsteps towards me.
"Oh, what's this box?" He asked.
I jumped from the chair and reached for it, scaring Avocado.
"Don't touch!" I cried out, and he smirked.
"Someone's not so tired?" He asked as I grabbed the present protectively.
"How'd you even know?" I asked.
"You snore." He replied.
"Is it that loud??" I freaked out with a blush.
He chuckled. "Yeah, the wall isn't that thick, and my bed's right on the other side." He tapped at the left wall, standing next to my bed.
"Really?" I nodded.
"Didn't you know?" He asked.
"I've never been in your room." I shrugged, and his eyes widened.
"What?? Why's that?"
"Now, are you going to show me around or should I just go wait to eat?" I asked, sensing the genuine upset aura coming from him.
He was silent.
"Look, I had a dream life for not even half a year, and now I'm here until we graduate. I'm just as upset as you are with this.."
"I can't believe this..." he shook his head before storming through the door.
I guess he didn't want to compromise.
Seems right.
"Where did-" I heard from the hall, followed by what I think was the fourth groan I heard.
He stomped back in, clamping down on my wrist as he dragged me around the manor like a ragdoll.
"That's a door." He pointed angrily as he made another sharp turn.
"Bathroom, library, I don't know what's in there..." he ran up the stairs and I almost tripped.
"My father's office, don't go in."
More rooms, another flight.
"Your room, the third library, I don't know, my room." He turned to face me. "The day you go in there is the day I end your life."
"I really said that I'd kill you if you went in my room?!" He said in amazement.
"Yes! And then you started your habit if barging into my room whenever you wanted!" I added, sitting at my desk chair as he sat on the edge of my bed.
"Why was I so rude though..?" He tried to recall.
"Cause you're you?" I suggested, and he rolled his eyes.
"No! It's cause it was the first time I'd seen you in expensive daywear!" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Sounds scandalous!" I joked.
"Seriously! You made me so nervous when mother showed me the picture of you, Jay, Jeremy and Christina that I made us stay in Paris another night!" He explained and I burst out laughing.
"Was my shirt collar too much for you to handle??" I cried out as I clenched my stomach.
He scoffed at me. "It was because you were wearing the stuff that all the girls I'm around wear, and you still managed to-"
"Don't you dare." I warned.
"Be the most-"
"I mean it!" I kept interrupting.
"Avo, go attack!" I begged.
"One." He finished, looking at me as my smile slowly faded.
"You need to not do that anymore." I said in a hushed voice.
"Say something that makes me swoon, then look at me with those eyes." I stayed entranced by him as I said that.
"What eyes?" He said, doing the thing with his eyes.
I shook my head, blinking. "Um, we need sleep or Santa will skip our house." I said matter-of-factually.
"Oh, is that so?" He scooted over as I climbed into my bed and pulled my covers up.
"Mhm." I said.
He leaned down and placed a peck on my forehead.
"Goodnight then."
"Night night." I said with a puffy cheeked smile.
A few minutes later, I heard two taps against my wall, and smiled with my eyes closed, reaching out and tapping back twice.

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