(BONUS CHAPTER) 30. Ice Ice Babies

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"I told you, you can't come!" Christina insisted.
"I feel so left out here... all alone at home, while you two get to go out and ice skate!" Jay flailed himself onto their couch as Christina grabbed the doorknob.
"It's tradition, dummy."
"It's a stupid tradition..." he huffed as she opened the door, her quaint little home disappearing into the distance as she trudged through the deep snow, keeping her eyes out for a fluffy ball of pink.
She couldn't miss him, shivering next to a light post, cheeks and nose half as pigmented as his hair.
"Jer, hey!" she waved.
He looked up and grinned as she came closer.
"I'm too tall for the cold.." he rubbed his sides.
"And how's that?" She egged on, amused.
"They're too far from my core." He held his arms out in front of him and Christina giggled, starting their walk towards the ice rink.
"This is the best part of the holidays." He said as he looked around.
"Not the party? Not even Christmas?" She fake gasped.
"No, because there's not one bad memory I've had on this day."
"Me neither, but why not Christmas?" Chris seemed to dwell on that.
"Jay's turkey incident." Jeremy said in disgust, and Christina shivered.
"Good point..."
The two neared the vacant place, and entered, routinely grabbing the skates from their bags and tying them up.
They had a secret.
They had told everyone that they went to an ice rink to skate, because Jay is a drama queen.
But, as Chris helped Jeremy stood on the ice, they scooted farther into the center of the frozen pond.
Christina held her arms out for balance, starting her circles.
"So, anything new to show off!?" She called as she gained speed.
"Unfortunately, I am not a cheater like you!" He accused.
"It was one time, and they were roller skates!" Chris defended.
"Well, show off your moves then, "not cheater"" He teased as he spun around.
Christina stuck out her tongue, and wound up.
She was wobbly, but overall glided with focus and determination.
Not much grace, if Jeremy was being honest, but definitely cuteness.
He was busy thinking when she spun onto her behind and landed in a pile of snow.
"Chris!" He yelled out as he tried to suppress a laugh, skating towards her as she pouted, legs straight out.
He pulled the salty girl from the snow and brushed off her back.
"Did you see at least?" She asked.
"Mhm." He decided that the little lie wouldn't do damage.
He was busy thinking about her.
"Yay! Better have appreciated it, I broke my ass for you..."
he chuckled, grabbing her by the hand and skating around with her until their faces were numb from the cold.
"Thank you, Chris. I know you already know, but this means the world to me that you come out and do this." Jeremy confessed.
The girl met his eyes.
"It means a lot to me too." She paused. "You would tell me how much fun this was when you did this with your mom, and I just hope that that magic is still there."
"It's not." He said strictly, and Christina's heart dropped. "It's really not the same." He continued.
"But... somehow, it's just as meaningful." He gave her a wink.
"You ass! You scared me!" Christina sniffled.
"Did you cry?!" He asked, leaning down to try and peak at her face as she hung her head.
"No!" She said, crying. He began to laugh as she turned to avoid him.
"You are!"
"Are not!
"Are not!"
"Loser!" She yelled out.
"Dork.." he rolled his eyes with a smile, continuing to walk.
"You're paying for my coco." She huffed.
"Ehhh... I don't know..."

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