35. Coward

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"Did you see that?" Tayte pulled on Christina's sleeve as they all came back from the game.
"(Y/n)?" She looked to where the boy was pointing, and saw me storming towards the woods.
"Cover for me, and get Jeremy and my brother if you can!" She called back to the small boy, and he gave a thumbs up as he watched her run after me.
"(Y/n)!" She yelled into the trees.
"I'm here!" I yelled as I banged a stick against a tree.
She chuckled lowly. "No books to organize here?"
My expression darkened, and I hit the tree harder.
"What did he do?" She asked, already knowing who had me so angry.
"His big ego," I whacked the tree. "Has no," I hit again. "Bounds!"
The stick broke, and Christina sat on the roots, patting the spot next to her.
"Is this about the hippogriff?" She asked.
I nodded. "Even if Hagrid doesn't really like me, he still let's me feed Bucky everyday.. and now because of that stupid boy that can't swallow his pride, they're killing him!"
The cracking of twigs came from behind us.
"Oh what do you-!" I began, but Christina grabbed my wrist as tight as she could, and I turned.
I stared into the eyes with fear, while Christina moved me behind her.
"It's alright, you may pass." She said, and the Wolf seemed to give a nod before running deeper into the forest.
"Are you okay?" She turned to me, and I was still dizzy.
"You just-" I pointed; in shock, and she just giggled.
"We should go." She pulled me to my feet, even though I don't remember falling.
"Wait!" The voice of the only person I didn't want to hear called.
My anger returned in moments.
The blond huffed, and I turned to leave. "(Y/n)! What's your problem!?" He started, and Christina watched as the gears in my head started turning.
"Draco, this isn't the time!" She called as she put her hand on my back.
"Oh, shut it Webber." He spat. "Can you just talk to me?!" He called at me.
Christina shook her head.
My fists clenched. "You!" I stormed at him, and he backed himself into a tree. "My problem is you! You have the biggest ego I've ever seen and it's getting an innocent soul killed!"
"Is this about that beast?!" He said in distaste. "It attacked me!" He took a step.
"You're absolutely mad! You provoked him!" I stepped forward, and he was to the tree again.
"It's just an animal! What does it matter to you?!" He argued, and Christina held in a laugh.
He needed to learn when to shut up.
"Just an animal?! It has a heart, you ass!"
"Well, why don't you go join Hufflepuff and sing songs while braiding your hair then!" He yelled.
"It'd be better than having to be around you!" I turned and stormed towards the school.
"Chris?!" Jeremy called, and saw her looking towards me as I ran. "What happened!?" He grabbed her shoulders, checking for injuries.
"I'm fine! (Y/n) ran off, and I don't know if she's going to be okay.." she pushed the boy off and looked into the woods.
"Why wouldn't she be?" Draco asked, and Christina began to feel the rage.
"Because that girl can't cope with anything!" She yelled. "She's clouded with anger right now, and anything could-"
A scream pierced their ears as Jay finally arrived, already on alert by the noise.
"What the hell happened-" he began.
"He's an asshole and that was (Y/n)!" Christina explained shortly as they bolted in the direction she went.
"Stop!" Jay held his arms out as he skidded to a stop, a huge cliff like slope just a step away.
"I need some help here!" They heard and looked around, and I sat at the bottom of the slope, tying a piece of my robe around my upper calf that looked to be streaming blood.
"Oh my-" Jay slid down immediately, his protective instincts kicking in as he saw the blood dripping down my leg.
The rest hesitantly followed.
"Why is he here?" I asked bitterly as I glared at Draco.
"You have a huge gash down your leg and you're salty that he's here??" Jay asked as he panicked, looking around for anything.
"That's (Y/n)." Jeremy chuckled as he looked at my wound.
"She's gonna bleed out!" Jay yelled, pulling off his robes. "Here!"
"Jason Webber, put your shirt back on!" Jeremy cried. "Does anyone have their wands?"
"T-they take ours during games-!" Draco was frantic.
"Us too so we can't tamper." Christina said, as Jay put his shirt back on.
Jeremy cursed under his breath.
"This is a sentence I never wanted to say, but Jay..." he gulped.
"Take your shirt off."
The smirk on his face as he did so didn't help, and everyone ignored him flexing as they watched Jeremy tie up the wound.
"Does it hurt?" Christina held my hand as Jeremy tightened the makeshift cast.
"I spent the entirety of first year as a slytherin goalkeeper, Chris. This-" I winced as Jeremy pulled. "Is nothing.." I breathed out.
"We need to get her inside before dark and not get expelled. Jay, can you..?" Christina asked, and he turned around from his "show" and looked between his sister and I confused.
"Oh!" He realized, and picked me up like a piece of paper.
We began walking, and I kept sending bitter looks at the blond, who was averting his eyes, clearly just as upset as I was.
"We need medical help!" Jay called out dramatically as he burst into the infirmary.
"Thanks, you three." I said as I was sat down.
Draco scoffed.
"And why is this coward still here?" I spat, looking him up and down.
I saw a flicker of hurt before his expression hardened.
"I'll make sure that beast gets what it's due." He said before storming out.
"Did this happen during the game?!" We were asked, and my friends answered for me as I zoned out, mind spinning with everything from today.
I let a tear slip down my cheek before I closed my eyes.

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