39. Charades

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I took a breath before I knocked on the door.
No reply.
I knocked again, a bit louder.
No response, but I hadn't seen or heard him leave his room, so I continued.
"Hey, um.. I wanted to say thank you for getting the more.. impolite boys away from me." I said, nodding to myself that I did a good job, turning to go back to my room.
I didn't quite convince myself though, and turned back around.
"Also, um... I'm sorry for calling you those things. I've gotten even more thick skinned since things started changing, and I'm still confused and scared. Also, growing up, my sis-" I stopped myself, clicking my tongue and rolling my eyes before continuing. "Hermione would always get on my nerves, so I tried to hurt her back where it mattered, so I picked on her insecurities, and it's a shitty thing, and... I'm ranting." I chuckled to myself.
"I don't think you're a coward, and I was a bit of an ass too. So, sorry for almost punching you... and, well, getting you punched." I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw the lack of light from under the door.
"Look, I miss being friends and doing stupid trash together.." I was genuinely pouting now.
"you're important to me."
No response.
I sighed and turned, stopping when I bumped into the one I was talking to.
I looked up at him.
"Sorry for the unresponsiveness, truth is that it was funny watching you have an emotional conversation with a door." He joked and I took an amused jab to his chest, and he winced with a smile, clenching the area over his heart where I attacked.
"You big baby!" I teased, and he kept trying to pout, his laughter poking through. "Do you forgive me now?" I asked.
"After that hit? I'd better have you killed as well!"
I blinked at him.
"Too soon?"
"Veryyyy too soon." I nodded. "Come steal snacks from the vending machine with me and I'll let it slide." I grabbed his hand, yanking him along as his mother exited her room.
She got to see his red face, and chuckled softly.
Her plan worked perfectly.
"Paris, right?" Jay asked the two in the back seat.
"You've been driving for an hour and you weren't sure where we were going?!" Christina hollered.
"I'm nervous, okay!? Carjacking isn't really my thing!"
"Don't worry, this is the newest air model. He's literally just been playing with a wheel. It's autopilot." Jeremy didn't even look up from his book as he said that.
Jay lost his mind.
"Calm down! We're going to save (Y/n) from that evil little blond, remember that." Christina said.
"Right." Jay gave a determined nod.
"I'm sooo quirky! Look at me with my purple hair and tall older boyfriend that's only personality trait is having pink hair! Tehehehe I know a suspicious amount of things about people~!" I fell over laughing as Draco had his turn of the game.
"That's not what charades is! You can't speak, or make fun of my best friend!" I yanked the bucket of acting options from him.
"But you guessed it!" He pointed out and I went quiet while he laughed his ass off.
"You aren't even good, so.." I crossed my arms.
"And your better?! You made your fingers into circles over your eyes and then said you were Harry Potter!"
"That was perfect!" I argued back.
The door opened. "Listen, I'm so happy that you two made up, but we're getting noise complaints from the bottom floor at this point, and you two need to get some sleep." Narcissa said, and we gave her understanding looks.
She closed the door and we began laughing as hard as we could.
This was what I missed.
What I could confidently consider a good friend.

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