26. Reunion

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Sometimes, I would take my supper to the stairs on an ordinary day, and meet up with Jay, Jeremy and Christina.
Today was supposed to be one of those days, but Jeremy was spacing, blushing at a carrot, Jay was suspiciously eyeing him, and Christina was nowhere to be found.
"What happened?" I asked finally.
Jeremy looked up from his carrot-wife. "I- um..." he scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh god..." Jay whispered under his breath. "You did not!"
I eagerly waited for an explanation.
"We just learned a spell in herbology, and Jeremy was oh so eager to try it out..." Jay exasperated, half teasingly and the other half anger.
"It basically makes it so one type of plant shows up randomly over a long period of time. Completely useless, seeing as we only have two bloody years left before-!" Jay started to rant, but fast footsteps interrupted him, thankfully.
"Sorry! I got distracted outside!" Christina took her seat next to me, holding a bundle of sunflowers. "There were so many!"
She pushed it in my face and I nodded at the bright flowers.
"Did you know that when sunflowers can't find the sun, they face each other?" She asked as she stared at them.
"You seem to like sunflowers a bit." I teased.
"They're my favorite!" She chuckled.
Jeremy looked down and bit his lip nervously.
I stood near the back of the class as the wardrobe shook.
I knew about the Bogart, due to reading all of the books put in my room.
The thing that made me dislike it the most, was that I had no idea what to expect.
I had fears, of course, but they weren't exactly monsters in the closet.
My biggest fear was being a coward, which I know I am.
So, I basically was scared of being scared, which is definitely something that I can totally fight off if it comes out of a wardrobe.
"Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!" Professor Lupin, who I didn't mind, instructed.
"It's this class that's ridiculous.." Draco whispered, and I elbowed him in the side without turning.
He did the same back.
The professor followed by saying that to beat it, we needed to imagine something amusing to us, and I thought for a second.
I thought back to the first time the girls and I ever talked about our crushes, and how when we started hitting each other with pillows, Chloe sneezed and feathers flew out her nose, then she aggressively choked and we couldn't help her because of how hard we were laughing.
"How often can one person dissociate?" Draco rolled his eyes.
Another blow to the rib as I watched Neville put Snape in grandma clothes.
The rest drew on as I became more and more nervous.
"Ew." The boy beside me said.
I looked Draco up and down for a second and shook my head.
"Why are your hands all shiny and sweaty?" He grimaced.
"I'm nervous, asshole..."
"It's not like it's gonna be real. Don't be so dramatic about it."
I smiled. "You're good at hiding advice in your insults." I wiped my sweaty hands on his shoulder.
He rolled his eyes and stepped further into his line.
I stepped forward, taking a breath as the last person's object began to morph.
I let out a cry and fell to the floor in an instant.
My mothers.
The class let out various noises of shock, and my eyes began to tear up as I clenched my wand.
"Riddikulus!" I yelled out, and the two women morphed into Avocado jumping away from an actual avocado.
I had forgotten that memory, but it didn't matter, I couldn't even smile as Donna and Chloe helped me stand.
I sat by the door as the girls comforted me, obviously confused but more concerned with my well being to pry.
Of course, when Harry had a slip up, the activity was stopped then.
Couldn't blame him for being the chosen one, but I could blame everyone else for their special treatment.
I was excused from my classes that day, and laid on the couch in the common room, staring out the huge window that looked into the lake.
My classmates began to flood in for the day, and I realized that I hadn't moved.
Most carried on into their dorms to get ready for supper, something I never understood about the purebloods. Their over excessive grooming.
"What was that about?" Pansy moved my legs and took a spot next to me.
I looked down. "I have absolutely no idea..."

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