53. Oh Brother

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"Jay, you need to calm-"
He pushed Theodora's hand away from him.
"We come back from Christmas and my best friend has an understanding with my sister?! The only time I'm not here to protect her..." he slammed his fist onto the table. "He's been nothing but distant and mean to her, no wonder she accepted after the boy she loves starved her of affection for so long." Theodora rubbed her boyfriend's back.
"That guy is not my best friend until he ends things with her." Jay announced.
"I cant believe my eyes..." Chloe rocked back and forth on her bed as Donna fixed her earrings.
"One, it's Christina, two, she's basically engaged, and three, we're just going to discuss our parents." She tried to console her best friend.
Chloe still pouted.
"Wanna walk me?" Donna teased, but Chloe's face lit up, and they were out.
I gave a hum as a goodbye, eyes glued to my book.
"Oh, P?" I asked nonchalantly.
Pansy looked at me.
"I need a cute outfit for tomorrow, something spring-y."
"Oh? And why's that?" She looked stiff.
"All the official couples are doing a cute little thing Sunday."
She gave a smile, but I didn't see how forced it was.
"I'd love to help."
'This is easily the most awkward thing I've ever experienced..' Is the expression I tried to convey to Draco.
His face read 'same.'
Blaise and Chloe hadn't looked at each other, Jay was glaring at Jeremy, and Christina, Theodora, my date and I were forced to carry the conversation ourselves.
"So when did you last speak to um, what's his name? Theodore!" Ironically, Theodora said.
"Not after the ball, that's for sure. She was too busy being engaged to worry about her date." Jay spat. "Or so I've heard..." he gave a sickly sweet smile.
"Actually, according to Theo, she apologized and they're on good terms." Draco responded.
I was in awe at how maturely he handled the situation-
"Or... so I've heard." He finished, and I sighed as Chris's eyes widened.
"This is why I don't like snakes." Jay rolled his eyes.
"Seems weird that the only Gryffindor is the one causing problems, hm?" He replied, and I pinched at his hand under the table as a warning.
"I'm 4 years older than you, kid. Show some respect."
Christina laughed out loud, blinking back tears. "You know who you're sounding a lot like? Mom." She walked out of the restaurant, accidentally bumping someone on her way. Jeremy immediately got up to go after her.
"Are you serious?!" Theodora scolded.
"Why are you getting upset now? Speak up before the damage is done." Draco continued.
"Hey, let's just go back-"
"And whatever is going on between you two needs to be talked out, cause I can't be the only one defending our house against that rude little-"
"Go ahead and open your mouth and say what you were gonna say.." plates crashed as Jay reached over and grabbed his collar.
The other two were no help.
"Jay!" Theodora gasped.
"Jason Webber, don't you fucking dare try anything!" I warned as I drew my wand.
"Someone needs to teach your little rodent boy a lesson." He clenched his jaw, staring him in the eyes.
"Rodent boy is the best you have? And puffs are supposed to be the stupid ones!" Draco laughed, and I cursed at him as Jay brought his fist into his stomach.
The people in the restaurant started to freak out.
"Jay!" Theodora cried out again, but louder.
Draco groaned as Jay readied another shot.
"Jason, I'm ready to send you straight to hell if you do anything else." I said with crazy eyes.
"You can't use magic off school grounds, (Y/n)." Chloe butted in quietly.
"Watch me." I said into Jay's eyes.
He let him go, and he stumbled back, regaining his step.
"Sir, you need to leave!" The restaurant owner ordered Jay.
He stormed out angrily, followed by Theodora.
I made sure Draco was okay.
"You sat there the entire time?!" I then turned to yell at Chlaise. "I mean seriously, you two-"
"We made a copy of your will and finally read it, (Y/n)." Blaise confessed, and by the look on his face...
"This is hell." Christina threw another rock almost straight down into the lake, splashing herself with water. She didn't care. "Jay has the maturity level of a fucking bagel!"
"He'll come around if I can actually talk to him." Jeremy tried to reassure as he watched his girl rage out.
"Not this time. He doesn't wanna talk to you Jeremy, or anyone. The only person he'll listen to is Theo. The only person he'll ever listen to is Theo." The painful truth in that made him pause. "And you know who she puts first."
"It's fine!" She blinked away tears. "He's... I don't know what's wrong with him. I can't read him at all anymore. One minute he's defending me against Mom, the next minute her bullshit comes straight out of his mouth, and suddenly the rodent boy is defending me from my own brother."
"Rodent boy?" Jeremy chuckled.
"Well yeah, he's like- uh.." She struggled to find words, ultimately failing. "Jeremy! I was angry and sad and serious and now I'm not!"
His arms wrapped around her waist and his head nuzzled into the crook of her neck, vibrant cherry hair sneaking into her side vision.
"Is that a bad thing?" He was almost whispering in her ear.
She could feel herself relaxing into him, anger slowly going away.
"I mean-"
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you!"
"Yeah, yeah, love you too." Christina sighed as she gave in and melted into him. He knew just how to shut her up.
"Good." He replied, leaning over and peppering her with kisses.

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