81. Squeeeeak

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"(Y/n)! Where is he, he's not in his-" Narcissa began as she opened my door. She let out a breath and smiled tiredly.
"Sorry, it was the first place I thought-"
She walked over to the bed and watched her son. "It's alright.."
I curled back into my blanket and watched the fireplace crackle.
"He's just a boy.." I heard her whisper to herself.
"He's still asleep!" I cried out to Jeremy. "It's been more than a day! Is he in a coma??"
"What's got you so dramatic..?"
"He's still asleep, that's what!" I spat.
"(Y/n)?" Jeremy asked.
"Who asked you why you're so dramatic?"
My eyes widened and I turned my head to Draco.
"You dickhead! I thought you were dead!" I cried out as I crashed into him, on the verge of tears.
"I'm obviously not though." He groaned as he sat up, and I let go quickly.
"It's gonna feel weird and uncomfortable for the next few days, but it'll be okay once it's done swelling." Jeremy informed.
Draco looked down at his arm with a look I couldn't place.
"Alright." He replied shortly.
Jeremy gave a personality appropriate awkward wave as he left.
"So why am I in your room..?" He asked once Jeremy left.
I sat on the end of my bed.
"I don't know, Jeremy was carrying you.." I dismissed as I hugged my legs, looking at him closely.
"Are you scared of my room or something?" He asked.
"No.." I said into my knees.
"Why?" He asked.
"I dunno.. privacy is important." I decided.
He blinked at me, motioning to him literally occupying my bed.
"How long was it?" He asked.
"Two bloody days!" I began to grow angry again.
He just smiled and ignored it. "Where were you sleeping?" He asked.
I scooted out of his view and pointed to the couch.
"Jesus, (Y/n), we have at least six spare rooms!" He scolded.
"Yeah, how much you wanna bet they're haunted!" I argued back.
He just chuckled.
"Why so cheery?" I asked, still pouting.
"I missed you, moron! It's been like half a month since I saw you and you've been a wall away!" He laughed out.
I attempted to pout away the smile on my face, but instead I went red until I ran out of dignity and just scooted over and wedged myself between his arm and his body, grabbing his waist and finally getting to hold him close.
"You're squishing me!" He complained.
'This feels like the last summer we have together..' Chloe's letter said grimly, like everyone else's this week.
Then, the idea popped into my head, and I knew the solution.
"We're literally in the middle of nowhere!" Donna yelled as the group neared, covering the sun with their hands.
"When you said California, I expected LA, not a random road in the middle of a bunch of ugly yellow hills!" Blaise cried.
"Oh my god, she's doing what I thought she was doing!" Theodore said with a grin.
"If this is some muggle world bull-" Donna began as she saw the car.
"We're going on a road trip!" I yelled out with a grin as I stood in front of the SUV.
"(Y/n).." Jeremy began.
"Did you think this through?" He asked as everyone stared at the janky old vehicle in disgust.
"Yes I did! I wanted a real one but fancy pants wanted a charmed one!" I cried, motioning to Draco who the group was now praising for his decision.
"We'll go all the way from San Francisco to San Diego!" I cheered.
The group had reluctant but genuine smiles on their faces as they piled into the car, the inside big enough to fit all of us comfortably, and a chocolate fountain.
"Why'd you bring Jeremy?" Blaise teased.
"To drive and buy alcohol, I assume?" Jeremy asked me with sass.
I batted my eyelashes and put my hands together.
He glared at me before turning.
"Chris, you're in shotgun." He ordered as she was about to get all of her stuff out.
She gave a frown and hobbled after her boyfriend, having to leave her friends, but more importantly, the chocolate fountain.
"It's simple! All Americans are obsessed with British accents, and what to impress the ladies more than two of the best looking brits out there?" Blaise and Theodore took turns flexing at each other.
"We're on our way to San Francisco, B. The only ones getting girls are Chloe and Donna." I said, and Donna flipped her hair on queue.
"Yeah, so that's why I think I can never open myself up to the possibility of love." Theodore concluded, and I nodded, yawning.
"That's deep.." Blaise said as he rested his head in Theodore's shoulder, half asleep.
"Imma have Jeremy pull over for tonight.." I announced as I scratched my head, standing up and shuffling past the couch where the girls fell asleep watching horror movies.
"Please have your clothes on, I'm about to enter!" I called behind the curtain that separated us from the driver's seat.
"And to think we'd get away from Theodora out here!" Chris groaned and I pulled the curtain, telling them they should sleep.
After all, the only reason Draco and Jeremy were here was because they were on a recruitment mission for Voldemort..
"Goodnight!" I whispered to Blaise and Theo as I went up the slim stair case, opening the door on the farthest end of the hall, where I had put my stuff.
I rubbed my eyes as the car shifted like a boat, and I almost lost my balance.
I began to feel along the walls for a light switch, and finally clicked it on, hearing a groan from the bed.
"Draco??" I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the angry bedhead who was sitting up and glaring at me.
"I'll go with Chris.." I sighed, turning to the door.
"She's staying with Jeremy." He replied. "And she snores like a snowplow."
I nodded in agreement. "Did Donna and Chloe get the twin beds..?" I asked.
"Where else is there?" I asked sleepily.
"Well, Theo and Blaise have the other king sized bed, if you wanna share with that lot." He joked and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"There's here.." he said, a hint of nervousness in his tone.
Just the suggestion made me internally freak out.
"Yeah, if it's alright.." I said with my head down.
He let himself relax, and instead watched me panic gleefully.
I waddled towards the left side of the bed, sitting down like it was glass, hearing the loudest creak I've ever heard.
I shuffled, and there the squeaking was.
"Fantastic.." I shook my head and bared through the loud noise as we both shifted.
The noise was like a theme song for my lack of dignity.
We settled down, both faced away from each other.
Not long after, I awoke to him shaking my shoulder.
"Listen! Listen!" He said as he laughed.
The repetition of a bed down the hall squeaking.
"Oh god.." I said in disgust as I slammed my face into my pillow.
"The best part is, that's probably Jeremy and Chris, but there's also another pair sharing a bed.." Draco joked, and it took me a moment before I began cackling uncontrollably.
"We'll know tomorrow!" I replied, still giggling.
The next morning, however, was the worst part, because judging the two pairs, we genuinely couldn't tell who was the culprit.

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