27. Bite Back

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I was scared.
Scared of answers.
Of knowing how, or why they died. I didn't even want to read their will.
I think I was trying to pull myself away from them, like distance will save me from the pain.
The smaller the picture, the less to mourn.
"You're an absolute idiot."
I stopped walking. "Who do you think-" I turned, slightly caught off guard.
"You turn out to be the daughter of two of the most powerful witches in history, and you don't even know where they're from!" She began crying. "You were called a mudblood for a year by the boy you now live with as equals!" She began to shake and she clenched her fists. "Just own your past!"
"I can't! I didn't ask for this, kid!"
"Did you ask to be the 'evil twin' for a year?"
"How do you even know-" I clenched my fists. "I don't need a first year telling me what I need to do with my life."
"At least read the will. It's literally your life plan, and you haven't even looked at it." I started to calm down.
"Don't wear that family crest on your neck and wrist if you don't even know what their handwriting looked like." She said, and instantly put her hand over her mouth.
I tensed at her words and stood with my head high.
"You!" I stormed closer, people filling the halls now and whispering. "You are a rude little girl! Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?! Last time I checked, I could do whatever I wanted without the orders of a mean little snake!"
"That's enough, (Y/n)." I chuckled at the voice, turning.
"Mionie, dear, stay out of this." I gave a sarcastic smile.
"No! There's nothing that a first year could've done to make you react that way rationally."
"Don't pretend that you really know anything." I retorted to the girl, her friends joining her.
"Says the one who's never studied a day in her life." The girl crossed her arms.
"At least I don't jump to conclusions based on reputation."
"Reputation, is it? You've burned every bridge we had, but that's just a rumor, right?" She matched my sarcastic attitude.
"The only thing I ever did was care about you enough to not want you to throw yourself into danger! The rest was up to chance, and you!"
"Me? What did I do?!"
"You ran! The day that we found out that we weren't blood, you ran! I told you that I'd still be here for you, even if we weren't related, but when it came down to it, you left!"
I stormed up to her, and the redhead beside her started to reach for his wand.
"Just like those bloody muggles, you never loved me." I spat. "You've always gotten all the praise, all of the second chances, and I thought it'd be different here. Two years later and I'm getting called the evil twin still..."
I spun around.
"That's all you'll ever be!" Ron spat.
The second later, he was crosseyed at my wand, hovering between his eyes, centimeters from his face.
"Ron, back down." Harry ordered, and I looked to the boy who looked concerned.
I huffed and put my wand back, making eye contact with the bitter redhead.
"You and my sister are truly made for each other..." I spat out before walking off.
"She's the worst!" Chloe exclaimed as Donna painted her nails.
"I'm just glad her little charity project boyfriend didn't decide to do anything stupid." Blaise shook his head as he watched the girls paint their nails in the common room.
"Good thing Potter was there to save her from the oh-so-dangerous weasel..." Draco crossed his arms as he sat on the couch.
"Do you have a problem with that?" Donna crossed her legs, suspicion rising in her tone.
"I have a problem with Potter, nothing more, you crazy woman..." he replied in disgust.
"I'll curse those three, (Y/n)!" Simon offered as he left, and I laughed a bit.
"It's okay, she's not worth the effort honestly..." I stuck my nose up, and my friends seemed to all smile at the gesture. "What...?" I asked.
"You're being mean!" Chloe cried out, flinging herself over my lap.
"I-I'm sorry!" I called as I caught her.
She looked up to me with a pout. "It was perfect!" She joked.
"At least she's holding herself to higher standards than bitter mudbloods." Draco mumbled as he rested his head between his arms on the chair he was in.
"What do you mean? I have plenty of muggle born friends!" I argued.
"Right... like Beth?" He lifted himself and tilted his head. "Or maybe Antonio?"
I thought for a moment.
The other muggle born boy from first year... I hadn't seen him since that year. A book slammed from across the room and a boy stormed to his room.
"People will see you and hate you no matter what, and it's your job to own it and give it back harder." Donna said. "It's what we've all been preached since diapers."
I thought for a minute, staring at the fire.
"(Y/n)! Draco!" Simon burst through the door of the common room. "Come quick!" He huffed.

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