(YEAR 4) 44. For his Sunflower

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"Eternal glory? Yeah, cause throwing yourself into an unnecessary life threatening danger is absolutely glorious!" Theodore rolled his eyes as the two schools entered in the most dramatic way possible.
"Oh, shut up!" I scolded, waving at Theodora who made the whole grand entrance bearable.
"Theodore has become Theo 2 this year." Blaise joked.
"Why am I 2??"
"it's your mental age too, that's why." Draco said as he watched the speech, bored as it dragged on.
"My goodness a new DADA teacher?! Who would've guessed!" Donna yelled, and a few Ravenclaws from the next table over glared at us.
When they explained that the contestants for the Tri-wizard tournament couldn't be under 16, I looked to Harry Potter and chuckled under my breath.
Watch him find a way to break that rule as well..
"Theo!" Christina yelped as everyone left the hall, crashing into her.
"So this is the castle, eh?" She said, hugging her back. "Back home in Scotland on the search for eternal glory!"
"They canceled quidditch this year for the stupid tournament.." I crossed my arms.
"Who gives a shit! Theo's here!" Jay stole her from his sister, clinging to her.
"Off'a me! You smell like a burnt cabbage!" She whined as he squeezed her, and he let go, self conscious about his smell.
"Are you gonna enter?" I asked, looking around in disgust as people talked about their chances of winning.
"I am, cause this asshole doesn't want me to." Theodora had a huge grin as she side hugged her cabbage boy.
"By the way, where's that pink highlighter?" she asked, looking around for Jeremy.
"He's been tired all day and just went straight to his dorm. He decided to sleep on my sister's lap on the train though!" Jay yelled, and a few Beauxbaton girls rolled their eyes and whispered about the loud boy, and how it was a shame he was so annoying because of how cute he is.
Theodora's aura turned hostile as she stormed up to her classmates. "That's my cabbage smellin man, you're really rolling your eyes at him?!"
"Well, have fun stopping that centimeter tall girl of pure rage.." Chris said before dipping.
"He wrote to me constantly, I swear! It was so sweet!" Chloe gushed.
"Blaise once slingshotted a pencil into my back and I had to go to the infirmary!" I argued as I walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth. "He's sooo sweet." I said sarcastically.
"It was your boyfriend's idea, so..." Donna said devilishly.
"Ah, but he wanted him to hit Hermione!" Chloe corrected, defending her "one true love"
I looked at them with confusion. "Boyfriend?"
"How does she not..." Donna couldn't even finish her statement, sitting there with wide eyes while Pansy shook her head.
"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"You have feelings for him." Chloe deadpanned.
The name flashed in my mind.
"I have no idea who you're talking about." I said with a straight face.
"You do, and you know it." Donna continued.
"Nope!" I said with a strained voice.
"So you know who? A certain blond, blue eyed, rich-" Pansy continued.
"No!" I yelled as I slammed myself onto my bed, face in my pillow.
I peaked my head up. "And his eyes are grey."
"Oh, Jesus you're falling hard!" Donna rolled her eyes as the other two burst out laughing.
My head was back in my pillow.
"What's wrong? Seriously, Jeremy." Jay asked as they stood in the long dark hall.
"I'm fine, alright?" He replied shortly.
"It's not fine. You haven't said a thing to Chris since Paris, and still use her as a pillow whenever you want. It's taking a toll on her and you need to either treat her like a person, or stay off my baby sister." He said sternly.
Jeremy blinked back the tears, glad for the darkness.
He needed to let go now. He wasn't ready to give her up.
He'll never be ready to give her up. But he had a job to do, a role to fill. It was his responsibility, so maybe one day Christina could be his.
It was their last year together here, and his heart ached when he realized that he wouldn't be spending it doing anything besides leading Harry Potter to his death.

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