55. Muffin Top

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It had been weeks, and I could say that my mind was more at ease.
Without this getting out, we managed to get all parents within the letter, and Donna's mom to help come to my defense in a court case scheduled for the end of the year.
I hadn't said a word to Jeremy, but we thought it better to do that and just focus on our own lives without worrying about the daunting will that could become reality. What did get out, thanks to Theodore's huge mouth, was the evidence that he and I were descendants of Merlin, making the press that was already around every corner of the school, target us.
"(Y/n)! I understand that your current boyfriend had an affair with one of the champions. How do you feel about the situation of the next challenge this evening?!" Someone quite literally, yelled from around the corner.
Draco readied to yell, and I held my hand up peacefully, smiling.
"His affair with one of the champions?" I tapped my chin. "Ah, yes!" My smile grew unexpectedly.
"You see, his affair with Harry Po-"
"You're an absolute ass!" He scoffed, covering his face.
"No, ummmm he never had a thing with Theodora, it was all an act to get under someone's skin!" I said cheerfully.
Also, in light of the recent news, I had simply...
Stopped giving a fuck.
Especially when it came to..
"Have you seen Christina?" Jay asked, coldly. He was obviously worried.
"Oh? Can't find the sister you haven't talked to in weeks?" I questioned.
"Nevermind, you bloody inbreed." He spat at me.
"Careful.." I warned.
Of course he knew, his mother was speaking on behalf of Maple in court, being her best friend in youth.
I knew that Jay wouldn't tell anyone, deep down.
I didn't hate him, no matter what. Not in the way I hated Weasley or Hermione.
Jay was one of my best friends, and once he stopped being an absolute incel and apologized, then I'd take him back in a heartbeat.
Only if he changed, but that didn't seem to be happening soon.
"I'll save you a seat Dan!" He called out to his new friend, as I glared in disgust.
"You both should rot in hell." I declared before walking off.
I mindlessly watched the waves dancing, uninterested in the literal silence of this challenge.
Everything was happening underwater anyways..
"This is so fucking bad!" Jeremy hissed as he came down to our stand.
We all turned to him confused.
"The challenge is to save someone in the water, I helped Harry.." He explained as he tried to look into the water.
"Yeah?" Draco waited for him to continue.
"They have someone that means a lot to the champions in the water." He added.
It took me a moment, but my eyes widened as I scanned the stands, Jay chatting mindlessly with his friends about his champion girlfriend.
"No fucking way!" Donna yelled, a moment before I could.
"If he's here..." Blaise pieced together last. "Oh my god, Christina.." he placed his bad over his mouth.
Jeremy was panicked beyond belief.
"What?!" I interrogated.
"I- I made it so that Theodora would fail this round.." he breathed heavily.
"Why the hell would you do that?!" Donna asked angrily.
"I- she-" Jeremy couldn't tell them he was trying to protect her, because then they'd have to know about the plan..
"He's mad at her, I get it." Draco defended, and we went back to worrying about Christina.
"Can we do anything-?!" Theodore choked up.
"We... We're gonna have to wait..." I grabbed Draco's hand and crossed my fingers.
I started crying when Viktor emerged, hoping to all I had that Chris and Theo were okay.
When Christina emerged by herself, I let myself have a moment of relief before Theodora came to my mind.
They pulled her in, and I pushed past everyone to get to her, followed by Jeremy.
"You put these kids in danger for a school event!" I cried up at the teachers that gathered to make sure she was okay.
Dumbledoor looked at me, and I challenged his gaze.
"Get the children away and help her.." he ordered, looking away from me.
My vision was red at that point.
Theodora, having lost, was alone in the guest wing, crying to herself as she imagined Christina floating in the water.
She wasn't strong enough for it, but as long as she was safe, it was okay.
She didn't care if Jay was upset, she needed to see her little muffin top.

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