treinta y nueve

147 16 38

"Tell them I was happy,
And my heart is broken,
All my scars are opened,
Tell them all I hoped would be impossible"

Joel's POV

I paced back and forth in the waiting room. Jennifer, Renae and Aurelia offered to stay with the kids at home.

"Are you Dilara's family?" a doctor came up to us. "I'm her boyfriend, this is her brother," I said as Erick stood next to me.

"She's in bad shape. Her liver is failing on her. Judging by her current condition, even if there is a donor, she won't make it through the surgery. You might wanna be here for her last few hours," he told us sympathetically.

Erick let out a sigh in disbelief. He took steps back trying to process everything.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said as he patted my shoulder and excused himself.

I sat back onto the chair. We were about to build a family together.

First my daughter, now the love of my life.


They entered the room Dilara was in and it broke Joel to see her like that again, hooked up to bunch of machines.

Erick went to the side of her bed and held his sister's hand.

"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked his sister with his voice cracking.

"I didn't want to spend my last days with you guys worrying," Dilara explained weakly. Tears fell out of Erick's eyes without him realising it.

He gripped onto her hand tightly while Joel held her other hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of it.

The whole room fell silent. No one said a word, barely believing this was all happening and that this was the reason for Dilara's speech earlier.

"You know I love all of you," she let out. "Take care of Luna," she whispered and Joel nodded, his eyes shut from holding in tears.

"Take care of yourself too," she said weakly.

She felt weaker by the second, closing her eyes slowly as her grip on the boys loosened and she let go while the machines went off.


They watched in silence as they lowered her casket into the ground. Soon enough it was completely buried, but the memories of her lived on.

Everyone joined Joel back to his place to somewhat keep him company for now.

He sat on the couch, a sleeping Luna in his arms. "You want us to stay over?" Erick offered.

"Or do you want alone time?" Zabdiel asked. "I'll be fine here. I have Luna and I need to stay sane for her sake," Joel said.

"She's gone physically but she's in our hearts, mijo," Dilara's mom said to him. "Although, I never expected to lose her this young," she croaked.

Erick put his arm over his mother's shoulders. "She's up there watching over us, we just have to keep our promises," Jennifer said.

"We have to take care of each other, and most importantly baby Luna," Aurelia said and the others nodded.

Evaluna sniffled and looked up, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall, so did Adriana.

"You sure you gonna be alright alone here?" Christopher asked again and Joel nodded.

"Who you gonna go through all of this with?" Richard asked. Joel looked down to his sleeping baby with bloodshot eyes.

"Con mi medicina," he responded, staring at his child.

"If you need anything, you know we're here for you," Camilo reminded him and he nodded.

"Don't go stupid. I promised my sister to take care of you," Erick warned the Mexican who again, nodded.

Everyone was still grieving, but they still tried to make things slightly lighthearted considering the kids were there.

It felt like Joel was gonna have to go through raising Luna on his own but he wasn't alone. The others were all there for him.

And most importantly; he had his baby girl, and Dilara in his heart.

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when
She stands under my colours, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it oughta be, no
Ain't even grey but she buries her baby
The sharp knife of a short life
Well I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song


I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holdin my hand
There's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life"

the end.

alternate ending; soon

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