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"Why does it feel so good to misbehave with you?
Why does it feel so good?
All the bad things we do
Why does it feel so good?
Yeah, you know I ain't gon' fight it
'Cause your lovin' got me feeling so good,"


It's been a week since Dilara revealed her pregnancy to friends and family and everyone was happy for them.

Back in Richard's place, him and Aurelia have been messing around back and forth. "If you keep doing this Imma lose my legs," Aurelia limped around the house.

"Well, you're just irresistible," Richard chuckled, shrugging. "I can't go home limping like this, damn it," she groaned and plopped onto the couch.

"Then, don't. Stay here," he smirked as he sat down next to her, kissing her jawline down to her neck. "Camacho!" she exclaimed and pushed him away lightly. He groaned.

"Boy control yourself before you make a slip up," I chuckled. "Shut up," he said and chuckled lightly.

The two continued watching a movie together while Erick, Adriana, Dilara and Joel were debating at Erick's house.

"She's staying with me," Erick said. "I can move back to my own place. C'mon," Dilara groaned. "You can't be alone right now. You're carrying my baby!" Joel exclaimed.

"Okay look! Let's all take a breather," Adriana said trying to calm everyone down.

They were in the living room, two couches facing each other with Erick and Adriana on one couch and Joel and Dilara on the other.

"It's either you stay with us, or you move back with Joel," Adriana shrugged. Both Joel and Dilara's eyes widened. After what happened, it's a little too quick for her to move back with Joel.

"You're staying with them," Joel said as he reached for his coffee, taking a long sip and Dilara nodded, awkwardly. "Definitely," she said and leaned on the arm rest, putting a slight distance between her and Joel.

Erick and Adriana exchanged looks, sighing. "So, you guys gonna end up like Richard and Yocelyn huh?" Adriana straight up asked them.

"Well-" Dilara didn't even want to continue the sentence. She wanted to actually be together with Joel in bringing their baby up, especially now that they're given a second chance to be parents.

Erick and Adriana took the hint, quickly changing the subject. "Hold on, before you carry on with whatever- where's Aurelia?" Joel asked when he noticed her absence.

Dilara looked around and Adriana sighed. "Why don't we go find out?" Adriana suggested. "Ooh," Dilara smiled. The four of them got into Erick's car and he drove away.

Lucas was currently having a playdate with Camila, Evan and Aaliyah; only difference was that they were with Mau and Ricky. Camilo and Evaluna were going on a little weekend getaway and the brothers were more than happy to help babysit the kids.

Erick pulled up into Richard's driveway. They all got out of the car and Erick jogged to his doorstep, ringing the bell. He rung it a couple times but no one came to the door.

"Guys," Joel whispered to get their attention when they heard splashes from the back. "Let's go," Adriana said and they walked around the house to the pool.

There they were. Richard pinning Aurelia to the end of the pool, sucking each other's faces off. Joel and Erick saw pieces garments on the sides and turned around almost instantly, not wanting to see a naked Aurelia.

"So this is where you been this week?" Adriana called out and Richard immediately pulled away from Aurelia and turned around.

Aurelia gasped and quickly used her arms to hug herself before turning around and grabbing her bra. "At least she's just bra-less," Dilara shrugged. "Yeah but if this goes on you're not the only one pregnant," Adriana sighed, rolling her eyes.

 "Yeah but if this goes on you're not the only one pregnant," Adriana sighed, rolling her eyes

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"Is she dressed yet?" Erick asked as he and Joel kept their backs facing the pool. "Well, the private parts are covered," Dilara shrugged, folding her arms across her chest. The boys turned around and faced the couple in the pool.

"C'mon, get out of there we're leaving," Adriana said and walked over, grabbing Aurelia's arm and dragging her out of the pool.

"Where's your clothes?" she asked her sister who groaned and went inside to get into her clothes. Once she was dressed they left Richard's house as he got annoyed with himself.

oof richelia got caughttt

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