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"It's the strangest feeling,
Midnight, I'm not leaving,
No, for once, I think I'll stay,
I say your name, just listen,
Doesn't it sound different?
Never whispered it this way,"

*trigger warning*


Adriana woke up, and she was back in the same room as her parents. She was still feeling the side effects of the drugs but she knew it would wear off soon.

It's been three days since she was drugged, three days that she was unconscious, three days since Paula poisoned Aurelia.

Antonio thought Paula had escaped and left the country, but she didn't. Instead, there she was, sitting in the interrogation room, ready rat her lover out.

"So, why'd you do it Miss Dominguez?" Inspector Rivera asked her. "Because I loved him. He was everything to me, but I realised this was all wrong and it shouldn't have happened. I truly regret this," Paula told the lady, sobbing.

"Okay then. Now I need to know where he took the Rodriguez family,"


Antonio walked back and forth in front of the three calmly as always. That's all because he still doesn't know the girl he loved, and manipulated, had snitched on him.

"What activities you got in mind today, huh? Hijo de puta," Miguel spat. Adriana let out a soft chuckle.

"Well, la puta is your wife so I don't know," Antonio chuckled, shrugging. He was about to say something when he heard gunshots from outside.

On the other side, Aurelia managed to convince the doctors to let her out so she could join the others and go get her sister and parents.

Dilara wanted to join them but Joel and Erick stopped her. One for the safety of her and the baby she's carrying, two so she can look after Lucas.

Erick watched with the others in the police van as the shootout between the police and Antonio's men took place. They had Paula in handcuffs in a seperate police car.

"Fuck it," Erick muttered and exited the van. "Mr Colon!" one of the officers called out but the Cuban had already ran around the abandoned building and entered the place, unarmed.

"Is he crazy?!" Zabdiel yelled. "His wife is in there. Yes, he's crazy," Christopher sighed.

Inspector Rivera sent two of her men inside to follow Erick and cover him. Once the shootout ended by Antonio's men surrendering, she entered the building with the rest of her team.

They went to the basement, Erick was there, with the two officers behind him. They went inside, only to see a bomb strapped around Adriana's body.

"Move and she blows up, all of us along with her," Antonio said as he held the controller up in his hand.

"Antonio, calm down," the inspector said as she kept her gun back inside the holster wrapped around her waist.

"It doesn't have to end this way," she said as she slowly made her way towards the man. Antonio panicked. "No, come closer and we all blow up!" he yelled.

Adriana was barely breathing with the thing wrapped around her, knowing it can blow up anytime now. Erick was barely breathing either, knowing the love of his life's life is on the line.

The inspector looked at the door, and signalled for the other two men outside to bring Paula in. She wasn't handcuffed, only because they want to make it easier for her to convince her lover to let the Rodriguez family go.

"Baby," the brunette called as she entered the room. "Paula. Why are you still here- Fuck, you fucking snitch! I thought you loved me," he let out his dissapointment.

"So did I. But, when you love someone, anything they do, no matter how wrong it may be, in your eyes it seems right. But now I've realized, Toni, this is wrong. I love you but, you're fucking your whole life up. You could've had a better future, you and me, together," Paula expressed, in tears.

"Please, you're not a murderer. Let them go," she pleaded. Antonio inhaled deeply, nodding softly. He turned to Miguel and Elena who were tied up on the floor, before he dropped the remote and took his gun out, pointing it to the side of his head.

"Te quiero," he mouthed to Paula before pulling the trigger, taking his own life. Paula screamed and fell to her knees.

Adriana gasped as she felt his blood splatter a little onto her face, and looked away. The bomb squad rushed to her as the others had to hold Erick back and untie Miguel and Elena.

Thankfully the bomb could only go off by the remote, so they could easily take it off of her. She let out a sigh of relief and they helped her up, Erick quickly holding onto her as she fell into his arms.

"Erick," she let out and clung onto him for dear life. "I gotchu," he whispered and held her tightly. He carried her out safely as the police assisted her parents.

He sat his wife at the back of an ambulance for them to check her. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"How's Lucas?" she asked. "He's safe and doing just fine with Dilara," Erick told her as she nodded.

Aurelia came running and immediately engulfed her sister in a tight hug. "You okay?" she asked, pulling away and Adriana nodded, smiling weakly.

"I just wanna head home," she sighed.

Everyone was safe now. It was over. Their worst nightmare was over.

they're all good and safe y'all

okay imma take a break i'm stressed lmao

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