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"When there's madness, when there's poison in your head,
When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed,
I will hold you in the depths of your despair,
And it's all in the name of love,"

Dilara's POV

I helped Erick bathe Lucas earlier and the little boy had fallen asleep. I can tell Erick has suspicions over Antonio and honestly so do I but I don't need him to start overthinking.

"Hermano, que haces?" I asked when I saw him with his laptop open and phone in hand in the living room.

"Her phone is probably still on, and I'm trying to track it," he said as his eyes were glued to the screen. I sat next to him and sighed.

"Then what? If you get a location you gonna go there?" I asked and he stayed shut. I shook my head.

"Stop, okay? I get it, you're worried and you want her back but we have to trust the police with this," I said to him.

"I need to try and do something Lara. I can't just sit around doing nothing," he groaned in frustration. "Well it's nearly 2 AM, go to bed. We can try something tomorrow," I reasoned with him.

When he didn't budge I just shut his laptop and dragged him off of the couch. "Don't make a pregnant woman drag you up the stairs," I said and he sighed, heading upstairs to his room.

I peaked out the window and the cars that were monitoring us were still out there. I was slightly relieved, knowing we're a little safer. There's no threat from the inside and at least that way we can make sure nothing else happens.

For now.

Richard's POV

It was nearly 2 AM and Aurelia was still tossing and turning restlessly in my bed. "Rels, Rels, Rels!" I called for her and sat up straight.

She turned to me. "Calm down. She'll be alright, we'll get her back soon," I told her as she sat up and dropped into my arms.

She was trembling. "But they even got our parents. We all know I'm next," she said barely audible. Her voice was shaky and I could tell she was terrified.

"Hey, hey," I called softly and I rubbed her arms softly, and she was cold. "I gotchu. They gonna have to get through me first, you hear me?" I said and I felt her nod softly.

I held her tight as she slowly started to calm down. "I can't sleep," she said softly. "You wanna eat something? Or drink I don't know," I asked her and she nodded.

We got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I noticed the cops were still outside and they changed shifts earlier at 9 PM. They made sure we knew who was gonna be monitoring us just to make sure no one would be disguised as the cops.

I opened the cupboard and took a packet of cookies out, handing them to Aurelia who quickly opened it and ate them.


Adriana still struggled to break free from the rope tying her wrists to the chair but it was no use. Instead it was just burning her skin.

"There's no use, Adri," her father let out. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Listen, we haven't been good parents-" her mother started off but Adriana quickly cut her off.

"Not now. When we get out of here, we can have a long talk. Now we need to focus on how to get out of this shithole," she said.

"Okay then," her mother sighed, shrugging. Just as her father was about to say something, the door opened, and in came Antonio.

"Hola, familia! Como esta?" he asked and laughed. "Look, I'm gonna have to borrow you right quick," he said as he cut the ropes tied around Elena's wrists and pulled her up.

"Let's go!" he grinned and dragged her out of the room. "What are you trying to do?" Miguel yelled out. "Don't worry, what's for sure is it won't kill her," Antonio winked and Adriana started to twist around in her chair aggressively, trying to break free but to no avail.

"Oh hermana, I wouldn't do that," Antonio said, smiling as he exited the room and locked the door. Adriana screamed in frustration as Miguel did the same, worried for his wife's wellbeing.

Antonio brought Elena into a seperate room. "Now, mama, how was life after you abandoned me?" he asked as he strapped her onto a chair.

"I did it to protect you, Toni, from the monster I was," she whispered and Antonio chuckled. "So, Adri and Rels went through those years for what?" he asked.

Elena stayed silent. She knew it wasn't fair on any of her kids, that they deserved a better childhood. If she could turn back time she would be a better mother, but it's all too late now.

"Mother or not, you deserve hell," Antonio said through gritted teeth as he electrocuted her at a moderate electric charge. Elena let out a piercing scream.

Adriana and Miguel heard it and they panicked. Miguel screamed for his wife but she was getting too weak to even scream from all the electric shots she got. For once after a long time, Adriana was worried for her mother.

like i said, shit getting real in here.

what do y'all think is gonna happen? will he get to aurelia? or will the cops and the others find out antonio is behind all of this before he could cause anymore damage?

the next chapter is gonna be quite the discovery i'm tellin ya.

𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐭 𝐈𝐈: 𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬 (.jp | .ebc)Where stories live. Discover now