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"Apareciste en mi vida cuando yo estaba perdido 
Y me entregaste lo mejor de ti, sin pedir nada más"

Dilara's POV

I pulled up to the Montaners', being the last to arrive there and the moment I stepped out of my car I heard kids squealing and some cheering from the backyard.

I chuckled and took my sunglasses off as I took my bag and walked to the backyard. The moment they noticed my arrival I was engulfed in a massive group hug by the kids.

"Well, hello," I laughed as I bent down to the kids who were hugging my legs together.

"Alright, give tía Lara some space!" Camilo called out to the kids and they all ran back to him as they played some games.

I walked over to the girls and sat with them.

"So, how's the wedding planning been?" Adriana asked me and I chuckled.

"Stressful," I responded and she and Evaluna nodded laughing.

"I had a baby in me at the time and thankfully everything's over with. Now I'm a happily married woman," Adriana said as showed off her ring finger.

"And mother too," I added and she agreed.

"How far away is the wedding day?" Evaluna asked me and I put 3 fingers out. "3 months," I said.

"But everything's quite ready right now, we're just waiting for the venue confirmation," I added.

"Hola mi amor," Joel said as he wrapped his arms around my neck from behind and leaned down to kiss my cheek. I smiled up at him.

"Fuck," Adriana cursed. "What?" Erick asked as the boys came up to us including Camilo.

"My sister's coming over," she told us. "Fuck," me and Evaluna cursed as well.

"If her sister's coming why y'all cursing?" Richard asked, confused.

"Yeah, its her sister what's the worst that could happen?" Christopher asked.

"Ohh, trust me," I started, shaking my head, "lots could happen."

"Like what?" Erick asked. Mau and Ricky were watching the kids so the boys and Camilo sat there and paid full attention to our storytime.

I got up and Joel sat in my spot, pulling me straight onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back protectively.

"She's worse than you boys," Evaluna said. "In what way?" Joel asked.

"In the player way," Adriana stated and the boys looked surprised.

"Ay, this is interesting," Zabdiel chuckled and we all laughed.

"Hm, let's see where should we start," Adriana asked me and Evaluna.

"The party," Evaluna said and Adriana nodded.

"So, that time there was a party held in Miami. She came over to visit me and all and then she joined me to the party. Back then I was like, 'oh well what could happen right? I'm bringing my sister with me to a party this is gonna be fun' I thought," Adriana started.

"It was loads of fun, until she decided to flirt with boys," I continued. "The boys, of course fell for her little trick. Home girl got into 3 boys' pants in one night," I added and the boys' jaws dropped causing me to chuckle.

"Well, she was a goddess, no doubt. She was pretty and hot with the perfect body and all, I mean c'mon she's Adriana's sister, if Adri looks like this imagine her," Evaluna said.

"Difference is Adri here ain't no fuckgirl," I said and Evaluna gave me a high five.

"True," Adriana nodded and laughed with us. "Okay so basically what you girls are tryna say is that she's a fuckgirl?" Erick asked and we nodded.

"And there is no doubt she's gonna try you boys so please, don't fall for her," Adriana pleaded. "One time things won't hurt tho," Richard said and Christopher cooed giving him a high five.

"Pero you gonna fall for her," Adriana said. "Hard," she added emphasising it.

"I think she's here," Camilo pointed out and we all looked into the direction he was looking at.

There she was. Red leather jacket with a black crop top underneath, ripped jeans, her hair left wavy off her shoulders. She took her sunglasses off and flashed a smile our way.

"Hola! Where's mi hermana at?" she asked rhetorically as she walked up to Adriana who gladly hugged her.

"We need to talk," Adriana said as she grabbed her sister's arm dragging her inside. She motioned for me and Evaluna to come with her and we got up and followed her inside.

I turned slightly and saw Richard and Christopher, mouth slightly opened as they checked her out. I rolled my eyes.

"Rels, what are you doing here?" Adriana asked, straight to the point.

"What? I can't come visit my owm sister?" Aurelia asked her back and Adriana rolled her eyes.

"You can, pero why now?" Adriana asked her back. "Nah, you know what? Give me his number," Aurelia said as she turned her head to look at the boys.

"Who?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "The one next to Joel, what's his name?" Aurelia asked. I turned over and sighed.

"Ah, Richard," Evaluna said, scratching her forehead. "Richard? Ah, he cute cute," Aurelia said, biting her bottom lip as she checked him out.

"Don't do it," I groaned. "Don't do what?" Aurelia asked, still eating Richard up with her eyes.

"Don't try to get in his pants," Evaluna sighed. "Why not?" she asked back. "Because he's gonna fall for you, idiot!" Adriana whisper yelled as she flicked her sister's forehead making her wince and turn to us instead of Richard.

"Whatever, can you at least introduce me to these cute ass boys?" Aurelia pleaded. Evaluna sighed and Adriana led us back to the boys anyways.

"So this is my sister, Aurelia. Pero she ain't available," Adriana said and earned a smack from Aurelia. "I'm single and very much available," Aurelia said with a flirty smile.

"How old are you, shawty?" Richard asked as he leaned forward with a slight smirk on his face.

"23," she responded in Spanish with a similar smirk on her face. Adriana facepalmed and Evaluna groaned.

"Joel, baby," I call for Joel and he hummed in response. "We should head back," I said with a face signalling I did not wanna be there right now and he nodded.

"Let's go," he said and got up. We all bid our goodbyes and Joel drove us back.

We bought a house and moved in together. Basically we all had our own places now, but I still owned my old house and the boys still go to the CNCO house whenever we all felt like coming together again.

We entered the house and I set my bag down as I took off my heels. The moment my heels were on the ground, I felt myself getting lifted up in the air as Joel picked me up bridal style.

"Put me down!" I squealed. "Stop wiggling I'm gonna drop you!" he said laughing as he ran up the stairs with me wrapping arms around his neck tightly, trying not to fall.

He finally set me down in our room and grabbed my waist pulling me into his chest.

"You're gonna be my wife in 3 months, I still can't believe it," he said as he attacked my face with kisses. I giggled.

hiii! i'm back with a mfking sequel y'all

i'm sorry if the first chap is like boring and crappy but it'll get better i promise

i'm also gonna use random lyrics that would fit the chapters in the beginning and i'm too lazy to collect em all for a playlist chapter, those chapters are tiring bruhh

okay bye i love u all

ps; pls dont be a ghost reader, be nice and vote, i rlly appreciate that :D

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