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"Right now I'm shameless,
Screamin' my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it,"


Joel was drunk but his actions spoke for itself. He may be under the influence of some drinks but his feelings weren't; he just would've never had the guts to do it while he was sober.

Dilara didn't even hesitate on kissing him back. The feelings that used to be there everytime they'd touch; let alone kiss. She felt weak under his touch and gave in to all her feelings instead of fighting it.

He pulled away from her and she shoved him lightly but enough to get him away from her. "Mierda," she muttered through gritted teeth and walked away.

"What just happened?" Christopher asked when they reached Joel. "Okay you kissed her but why'd she run away?" Erick asked. "Was it a lengua kiss? Maybe she didn't like it," Zabdiel shrugged.

"If she didn't like whenever Joel gives her a lengua kiss she wouldn't be pregnant," Renae said, smacking Zabdiel a little.

Joel rolled his eyes at his friends and followed Dilara's tracks. She was heading outside to her car. Just as she was about to get in, Joel pulled her by the arm and slammed the car door shut.

"Que mierda hiciste?" she questioned him, shoving him away. "You're fucking drunk goddammit!" she yelled. Thankfully, the music inside the house was too loud for them to even notice what was going on outside. But Erick was attentive and watched the little fight between his twin sister and bandmate.

"And? What you so mad about?" Joel fired back, stumbbling upon his words slightly. "I'm tryna let you go but your drunken ass is driving me nuts!" she groaned. "What does it matter about me being drunk?" Joel asked and she chuckled.

"How the hell, am I supposed to let you go if you're over here being all over me?"

"Then, don't!" Joel yelled, getting a hold of his ex-fiancee's shoulders. "Don't let me go."

Erick watched as the two went back and forth, wishing he could hear them. He watched as Dilara freed herself from Joel's grip and got into her car, leaving the CNCO house.

Adriana's POV (the next day)

It was about 2 pm and me and Erick are about to go pick Lucas up. Dilara didn't come home last night and Erick found out from the rest of the boys that Joel didn't head back to his either. 

"Where the hell could she be?" Erick asked as we pulled up at his mother's driveway. "Well, she's not here we can both see that. Maybe she's at her old place," I suggested.

"Can we stop by there later," he asked as we reached the doorstep. "Of course. Plus she's pregnant who knows what the hell she's doing right now," I said.

Dilara's POV

I sat in the living room, binge watching Netflix. I had a bag of hot cheetos in front of me that I was munching from, that is until I heard bangings on the front door as if they were tryna break that shit down.

"Hold on damn it!" I yelled as I walked towards the door. I opened it to see my brother. Adriana was with Lucas in the car that was parked in my driveway.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked me, clearly mad. "I should be asking you that question," I said, unbothered.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out the door. "Hey!" I yelled and struggled a bit before freeing from his grip.

"We're going home," he said as he started to get annoyed. "No, I'm staying here," I said and walked back into my home.

"You can't stay here alone, Lara. I won't allow it," he said firmly. "I'm a grown woman. I don't need anyone's permission," I spat.

"You're pregnant," he said. "And I can take care of myself," I paused, "and my baby," I walked back into my home and slammed the door behind me, locking it immediately.

this book is back to back drama, emotional rollercoaster ahead of u for most chapters so get ready okay bye

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