treinta y tres

109 16 30

"Si pudiera controlar el tiempo
Yo volvería a esperar de nuevo
Una y mil veces
Pa' ver cómo amaneces"

Adriana's POV

I turned to my side and saw Erick still sleeping with his arm around my waist. I smiled at the sight.

I stared at him for a while as he peacefully slept. His jawline, his lips, his messed up hair, and I keep falling more in love everyday.

His eyes slowly fluttered open and I met those green eyes that I fell in love with from the first time I saw them.

"Buenos días," I smiled. "Buenos días," he said back in his raspy morning voice.


I stood behind the closed doors, waiting for it to open as I held onto Erick and Dilara's dad's arm tightly to make sure I don't just trip over my dress.

"You'll be fine," he assured, whispering to me. "Thank you, for agreeing to walk me down the aisle," I said to him.

He smiled. "It's a practice, before I walk Dilara down the aisle," he said and we both laughed.

"Okay, it's time," someone gave us the cue and we both focused.

Adrenaline was rushing through my veins and my heart was beating out of my chest as the double doors opened.

We walked slowly down the aisle as the music played. I looked at the altar and saw my future husband standing there with tears in his eyes, yet a smile on his face.

Alejandro handed me over to Erick who gladly took my hand, helping me settle in front of him.

We exchanged vows and all that, now it's the important part.

"Do you, Erick Brian Colon Arista, take Adriana Marie Celine Rodriguez to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," he said, looking into my eyes and we both smiled.

"Do you, Adriana Marie Celine Rodriguez, take Erick Brian Colon Arista to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," I said, close to tears as I chuckled softly.

"I pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride,"

Erick held my waist and pulled me closer as I put my hands on his shoulder. "Te quiero," he said. "Yo a ti," I responded, giggling and he gave me our first kiss as husband and wife.

Everyone present started cheering and clapping.

"I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Arista!"


It was the afterparty and well we were all having a blast. "Ah you're married!" Dilara squealed as I approached her, Evaluna and Renae.

We all squealed together and embraced each other in a group hug. "I'm so happy for you," Renae said. "Thank you," I said to all of them.

"Mi amor," Erick said as he came up to us and put his hand on my lower back. "Time to dance," he smiled.

We stood in the middle of the dance floor as the music played and he reached his hand out for me. I gladly took it and he pulled me closer, putting his hand on my waist as mine was on his shoulder, with our other hands holding each other.

"Damn, you're really my wife huh?" he let out and I laughed. "Who knew this day would come by, I mean like for us," I said and we laughed.

He spun me around before pulling me back into him again. "I have you for myself forever. Feels nice to actually have you like that," Erick said with a smile on his face.

"You have me to yourself no matter what. And vice versa, vale?" I said with a chuckle and he nodded, laughing.


I changed dresses and our friends were performing. They even pulled Erick up for the CNCO performance. Of course, we got Joel and Dilara to sing something, and they sang '18' by One Direction.

It time to throw the wedding bouquet. The girls lined up a few steps away from the stage as I stood giving my back to them.

"Okay! Ready?" Erick called out into the microphone and everyone yelled a yes. Me and Erick exchanged glances, laughing.

"Uno, dos, tres!" Erick counted and I threw the bouquet. I turned around just as it landed in Dilara's hands.

"Arriba!" Joel cheered and ran to his fiancee. We laughed. "Better be soon!" I yelled. "You bet!" Joel responded and we cheered.

present time

I got out of the shower and saw Erick and our son dressed for the day. "Get ready, we'll drop Lucas off at mama's and head to Dilara and Joel's," he told me and I nodded.

"Also you might wanna check your phone. It's been buzzing like craz- ow!" Erick added and shrieked when Lucas who was on his lap bit his finger.

I laughed and grabbed my phone, checking the texts from the group I have with Dilara and Evaluna.

"You have got to be kidding," I let out as I unwrapped the towel around on my head and let my wet hair down.

"What?" Erick asked. "Renae and Zab broke up," I sighed. "What? When?" he asked me.

"Yesterday," I said. "Apparently, what we don't know is that they've been rocky for a while now," I added.

"Oh and, she has a new boyfriend," I said. My husband's jaw dropped and I chuckled.

"Can't wait to see who she replaced Zab with," I sighed.

bcoz i owe u guys a wedding chap ; ) and double update bcoz i took so long to update this book

hope u liked it

keep voting and let's see who's renae's new boo👀

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