XVIII. Worth Waiting For

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That was so sweet of Gale. I mean, he just made me cry not because he made me sad or embarrassed, but because I realized how much he means to me. All his efforts, big or small, were so rare you can hardly see it anywhere.

And I strongly disagree when Gale called himself "not romantic." What he just did yesterday was more than romantic that the butterflies on my stomach wanted to go out. I personally didn't expected that act. I just thought we're gonna have some snacks and have our past time at the garden but it turned out differently, and, I liked it.

It is ten minutes past seven when I woke up and after reminiscing the moments I had with Gale yesterday struck by the idea of Anna being not so well.

I didn't have the chance to talk with her yesterday because Jay said she didn't take classes and today it's my turn to be absent in school so I am planning to call her, uh, just to clear things up, I guess.

I didn't know what to feel the moment Gale told me what happened in their past past. I mean, I don't take side with either of the two, but, I can't imagine Anna doing that with her angelic face. 

And, the fact that she wants to be with Gale again does no thing to me. I don't have to worry on what she will do on our relationship since we were friends now, but I worry about how she felt after the time we opened up our relationship to our circle.

Laziness struck and pushed me not to cook my breakfast so I just ordered a meal at McDonald's through my phone.

I placed my order and while waiting for it to arrive, I fixed my bed. I should make my unit presentable since my mom will be coming here any time of the day.

I wanted to introduce Gale to mom but I felt that it was not the right time yet.

My unit was not that messy but my mom doesn't want just a tiny dirt, I did some rigid cleaning. From curtains and couches, to window panes and tables, I made sure there were no traces of dust.

It was still early but I was already covered with sweat. The McDonald's delivery arrived and I didn't care how I looked when I accepted the food. I must've looked like a stray dog that got wet from the rain but I was starving so I let it past.

Holding the delivered food, I went to the kitchen table and started eating. The tiredness the cleaning brought me vanished as I had a bite of my favorite spicy chicken, and the cold and sweetness of the sundae renewed my energy back. It's been a long time since I last had my favorite chicken in a meal so I didn't let any single piece of food go into waste. Contented, it took me ten minutes to finish all the food I ordered.

Then I remembered Anna, that I must call and have a talk with her. I threw the non reusable cups and containers and wiped clean the table after I ate. As I grabbed my phone, I looked around my unit to see if there was still not presentable to see because my mom would come anytime here soon.

I texted Jay to get her number and seconds later, he replied. He asked why but I said "Some personal matters." I hope Jay won't be so nosy about what I am doing. I wonder how they are doing in school at this time.

Nervously, I dialed Anna's number and I've been hesitant to do it but I just thought it could somehow clear things up and maybe... help her to move on? I don't know. I don't know if she's taking classes today or not, but, let's just try calling her.

Her phone was ringing for several seconds but luckily she answered it.

Hello, who's this?

Her voice was husky and weak. She seemed sick.

"Anna! This is Claire," I said.

Claire, hi. Is there a problem?

"Uh, are you okay, Anna?"

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