XIII. Encounter at the Restroom

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Roses are red, violets are blue
If you see a handsome man
I'm probably in front of you

I am Jay Collins. Some may find me annoying because of my being talkativeness but trust me, I have no bad intentions. Gale and Claire can prove that.

I am glad to meet those two jerks. I maybe have no friends if they didn't come into my life. They were only the ones who can bear with my attitude, and they find it interesting.

I had some girlfriends before, but they didn't stay long. They were pissed with my attitude over time. I really don't focus on those matters because it does no good to me. For now, studies and friendship will be on the top priority.

I almost died when I was 7. It was still clear on my mind what happened on that day. Our house was set on fire. We didn't know if it was an accident but there are neighbors that saw a person running from our house before the fire had started. I and mom survived, but not Dad. Wherever dad now is, I hope he is doing well. Even though I am worth of hate because of my attitude, I won't let that stop me from making my parents proud.

But there was one person I don't want to disappoint, Anna, my newly met friend. I don't intend to be a nuisance in her life. Instead, I want to give comfort, care, and probably, love?

I know it is crazy to think that you already fell in love the moment you saw the person but way back in my 12th grade in high school, we conducted a survey research regarding how real a love from the first sight is. And, it showed that 81% of the 100 participants, said it is real based on some instances with themselves and/or friends, relatives. While 31% of those 81 students ended up with the one whom they fell in love at first sight. I know it is not applicable for all, but who knows?

Looking back, I would really avoid the reasons why I had break ups with my past relationships. Yes, mainly because of my personality. It is disgusting. People can't stand it. After those numerous break ups, I became hopeless. Instead, I focused more on myself. I always remind myself that I was not born to please people.

But what can I do? This is... me!

It's been a two days since we found out those who harassed Claire on the gathering. And you can't imagine how Gale looked when he saw those people. Creepy, he looked like he was going to kill them only with his gaze that it gave me chills.

Anna looked tensed. We found out that the tall man in a gray hoodie was her ex-boyfriend. Honestly, it does not have nothing to do with me. But judging from Anna's face, you can see gloom, sad but scared expression.

I know I have nothing to do with Anna's life but, I want to be part of it.

It is 1 in the afternoon now and this morning, Jay called me that he got a news saying that Claire was already in her condo unit. He said that they hired a private nurse to take of her since her parents were working at LA.

Since there are no classes, why won't we visit Claire?

I grabbed my phone and texted Gale.

Up for visiting Claire? C'mon.

As I wait for his reply, I grabbed a toasted loaf bread and spread a butter on it.

I was actually planning to visit her now. You go? He replied. I'm on my way.

All right. As I got my things ready, I grab for one last toasted bread and flew off home, heading to Claire's unit.

I walk to the garage as I eat my bread. I'll be using Dad's car since I am allowed to use it but, where is Claire's unit located?

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