VI. Get Rid of Me

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I just wish we can end this right
Forget what happened, live a brand new life
But the horror of the past keeps haunting at night
I didn't know love cuts deeper than a knife

* * *


12:16 p.m.


It's lunch break. I headed to the cafeteria to buy my food and I noticed Gale walking towards me.

I ran, as fast as I could.

I dashed from building to building, making sure Gale won't catch me. I looked around. No glimpse of his shadow.

I went to the nearest cafeteria, but far from our building, praying that Gale won't search for me.

My stomach rumbled. I needed to eat.

I ordered a serving of chicken fillet, a vegetable salad, and a chocolate drink.

Please let me eat.

I was so hungry, but the food doesn't taste right. Something is bothering me.

"Keep distance at all costs, or your parents' death will be inevitable."

This kept me wide awake last night. What Gale's mom said prevents me from doing anything, it keeps bothering me. It is not that easy to lose friendship to a person whom I opened up my self thoroughly, which I've never done to anyone before.

Gale's mom, Antonnete, warned me to stay away from Gale. It's so unclear to me since she didn't state the reason. She doesn't want me to be friends with Gale? She hate me the moment she saw my face?

I still respect her though, she is still my friend's mom. But, it's just hard, cutting ties with someone you are now comfortable with. It is like separating Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

Suddenly, I felt my tears rushing out if my eyes, ready to fall anytime.

I'm so sorry, Gale. You haven't done something wrong. This isn't you fault, Gale, I promise. I don't want to do this. I don't want to lose our precious friendship. It's just, I need to do this, for the sake of my family.

If our roads will cross again, I would gladly walk into it, just to bring our friendship back.

Gale, I am willing to do anything, just to make you understand me. To understand me even if I won't say a word about what happened that night. Please hear what I'm not saying. Deep inside I am slowly dying.

I didn't notice that tears dropped at my plate. My appetite worsened.

I didn't feel anything. It's so unfair.

There's a voice behind me, "Are you okay?"

"Stop Gale."

"Gale? Who's that?" asked the man in confusion. "I'm Zachary. Zach for short."

A tall man appeared out of nowhere, wearing a blue and black long sleeve, tacked in his gray trousers.

"Would you mind if I join you here?"

"It's fine. But I'm done eating. See you later," I said as I fixed my things and ready to go.

"Oh wait wait wait, wipe your tears first," he said, offering a handkerchief.

Reluctantly, I grabbed it. Making no noise as I leave the cafeteria.

There are still roughly 15 minutes before class and I dont want to go back to our quarters, primarily, because of Gale.

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