XIV. Accompany Me

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5:15 a.m.

I hate waking up when I want to sleep more. I woke up fifteen minutes before my alarm will ring and I felt my body sort of floats.

I'm still sleepy but I gathered all my energy to wake up. Yesterday, I promised Claire that I will pick her up so that we will go school together. In that way, I can assure myself that she will be safe.

What happened to the plan of getting rid of her? The more I avoid her, the closer we get. Which means... ruining her life?

Maybe. But I won't let that happen. I know I obviously sounded too brave even though at the end, I won't win the twisted game of destiny. But still, I am willing. I am willing to step in the battle and take risk.

I got up and fixed my bed. My eyes were half closed that any minute, I may sleep again. I shook my head to get rid of sleepiness.

After I took shower, I wore my plain white shirt and black pants. Not gonna dress up elegantly as always.

I went down the stairs and saw mom preparing breakfast. Dad was probably still in his room, sleeping as much as he can since they planned to have a day off today.

For the second time, I was running out of time so I just grabbed the bacon sandwich Mom prepared.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm going to be late."

She looked confused as I approached her but ended up hugging me. I rushed to the garage as she shouted "Take care!"

I asked Dad for permission to use our car last night and luckily he agreed. I wouldn't know what to do if he didn't agree knowing that I need to pick up Claire today.

I fixed myself as I sat in he driver's seat. Don't you worry, I got student's license three months ago so I can use it all the way.

I texted Claire. Hang in there. On my way.

I stepped on the pedal and ready to pick up Claire. Five minutes later and I can't now see the vision of our house from the side mirror.

I wonder how Jay will react when he sees us together with Claire.

And talking about Jay... I didn't know he became a hero just yesterday.

They came back at Claire's unit with Jay still holding a salivating pizza. They looked like they have been dumped a bucket of water as sweat darkened their outfit. We were so confused of what happened until Jay aggressively sat on the couch in exhaustion and told us what happened.

Anna, on the other hand, informed us about their past relationship with that man named Jethro. Even though I knew those informations already, some things were still hard to sink in, including what Anna did to me. I heard those for the second time yet some things were still unclear for me. But those were written in the past, and I don't bother to look back on it.

What Anna and Jay did collectively was incredible by the way. I was amazed too by what Anna did based on what Jay said. They looked like they were in a set for an action film.

I wouldn't know what can I do in those time if we switch places but I will do everything to save one's life, especially if the important persons in my life got involved.

Before we went home yesterday, Claire called her nurse since we were living, and partially to check Anna and Jay. They both got some bruises and minor scratches from the incident but the nurse already did what she needed to do. I wonder if that left a trauma on both of them but I hope it didn't.

On my way, I saw a coffee shop and thought about buying one. So I stopped for a while and just so I thought about Claire. I left the coffee shop with two cups of coffee in my hand.

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