VII. Where are you?

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August 26, 2011
6:54 a.m.


It's Junior's Annual Gathering. Every year, all the Third year students organize a gathering, with a consent to the University President, usually held on the first week of classes. The students from other year level also hold their own gatherings but in different venues.

Sponsored by the Engineering Department, this year's gathering will take place at Amazonia Beach, a two-hour drive from our school.

I'm still sleepy. I still want to sleep, to escape from the reality.

Yesterday felt like a second. The moment I thought I could make things go back to normal just went worse.

We're just friends, Gale. Why is it a big deal?

Claire, as much as I don't want to ruin our friendship, I can't just cut ties this way.

Even if I will bend the chances, we still can't be together. My parents will always find a way to get any girl out of my life.

Why can't I live a normal life?

I looked for my phone and texted Jay.

Jay, does Claire know the gathering will be held today?

While waiting for his reply, I fixed my bed and chose clothes that I will bring for the trip. Just three shirts, an underwear, and a shorts and a pants.

My phone beeped. Jay texted.

Of course. It was announced before dismissal in the afternoon yesterday. Where have you been, by the way? Claire was looking for you. Have you two been in a fight or something?

Oh my, Jay is so noisy.

Uh, all right. Talk to you later. See you!

I turned off my phone for a while. Jay will probably be nosy of us.

Wait. Claire looked for me?

I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

As the water poured on me, the thought that Claire was looking for me kept making me uncomfortable. Why was she looking for me? Did she need something? I talked to her just in the afternoon yesterday, she hasn't said a word.

My head was full of questions that it ached.

But if ever there are answers to my questions, we can't still change the fact that I can't be with her. Everything is helpless.

I finished taking a bath and wore my outfit. Just a jeans and a maroon sweater.

I packed all the necessary things into my bag, including the clothes, sanitary kit, and charger.

We are going to assemble in our school and go to the venue at the same time. The sponsors, the Engineering Department, rented vans to cover almost 1500 third year students. I wonder how the venue look like this year.

I remembered last year was the most boring gathering so far. We just had a block screening from a movie and ate in lunchboxes. That was sponsored by the College of Commerce though.

I went downstairs. Before I left the house, I opened the fridge in the dining room and looked for any canned juice. I found a pineapple-flavored one.

I closed the fridge, and turn around, looking at the dining table.

I remembered Claire sitting there, wearing her precious smile, as she stood up and wander around the house. Unfortunately, the amazed look on her face changed into a sorrowful expression. I just wish I can bring back the sparkle of laughter in her eyes, and prevent the sparkle of tears of pain to come out.

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