XI. Please

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What happened?

I was moving. Things were blurry. I saw some people panicking. I wanted to move but I can't. I wanted to get up but I can't. I was being carried into a tube-like narrow vehicle, seeing some blinking lights of white and red.

On my left was Gale, with bruises and some blood on his mouth.

Hold a second.

I can hardly breath. My chest was tightening up like it was being squeezed, allowing air to come out and never come back. It was happening again.

I felt my body tensing as my eyes were finally closing.


I saw lights as I opened my eyes. An oxygen hose in my nose. My breathing was somehow improved, but there's a pain when I inhale. I tried to lift my hands to ensure I can now move.

Surprised as he noticed it, Gale stood up from a couch he was sitting on. On my right, were my mom and dad, sitting on my bed.

I was clearly in a hospital room.

"Claire? Do you hear me?" said dad.

I was staring at him. I was trying to open my mouth.

Rushing, I saw Gale going outside of the room, calling the doctors.

"Claire?" Dad tapped my shoulders. You can see a concerned look on his face, worried.

The doctor came in and checked my heartbeat and flashed a light on my eyes.

"If you can hear me, please raise your eyebrows," ordered the doctor.

It didn't take so much energy so slowly, I raised my eyebrows.

"M-mom," I said as I tried to get up.

"Claire be careful. As much as possible, you may take a rest more," uttered mom.

"I-I can, mom." I managed to sit.

"Do you want anything, Claire? I'll ask our driver to buy anything, if you want."

"Uh, none mom. I just want to rest."

In tbe middle of our conversation, dad's phone rang.

"I'll be right back," he said, picking up the phone and went outside, leaving me, mom and Gale.

"Mom, that's Gale, a friend," I said, pointing at him.

Gale nodded.

"Thank you, Gale. Thank you for taking care of our daughter."

"She's my best friend ma'am," replied Gale. "And friends will help each other.

The door opened. Holding a basket of fruits, Jay came in.

"Good day, maam. I'm Claire's friend," Jay greeted mom.

"That's Jay, mom," I informed mom. "Actually, it is us three who belong in the same circle."

"Oh, nice to meet you two. We are lucky to have such caring friends for Claire," said mom. "Thank you."

"No worries ma'am. We really were shocked of what happened. Is Claire sick, ma'am?" asked Jay.

"Uh, l-lets wait for the findings of the doctor, shall we?"

"Sure ma'am." Jay placed the fruit on the small table beside me and sat next to Gale.

I felt my stomach rumbling. How many hours since I have eaten?

Using much of my energy, I reached for the bunch of grapes in the basket.

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